
Three Trails Experience – BionicOldGuy

Yesterday I did an extended trip (3 hrs 51 min, 46 miles) that included 3 native trails. I rode out Santa Teresa boulevard north to Almaden Lake park the place I picked up the Guadalupe river path, which I took as far north as Chynoweth. Then I backtracked to the park and took the Los Alamitos Creek path south to its finish at Harry highway, then received on McKean and took it all the way down to Bailey ave. I picked up the Coyote Creek path and rode it tois finish on the guests heart, then house from there. My common velocity was slightly below 12 mph as a result of there was important climbing on this trip, sluggish on my recumbent. I posted it on Strava right here.

Almaden Lake Park
Los Alamitos Creek Path
McKean Street, close to the bottom of Calero Dam

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