
Excellent Sauteed Shrimp (Actually!) – A Couple Cooks

This sauteed shrimp recipe comes out juicy and seasoned to perfection in lower than 10 minutes! Listed below are the secrets and techniques to how you can saute shrimp.

Sauteed shrimp in pan.

Right here’s a recipe that knocks us off our toes each time. This actually is the excellent sauteed shrimp! This fundamental kitchen talent is one thing that many house cooks have but to grasp. It’s straightforward as soon as you realize just a few methods on how lengthy to prepare dinner shrimp and how you can season it.

What we love about this recipe: Seems, it tastes even higher than good: it’s actually nice! The tender, juicy savory taste is so exceptional, you received’t have the ability to cease taking bites. We will’t, and it’s at all times successful with our youngsters. Right here’s our secret seasoning mix and precisely how you can make what we expect is one of the best sauteed shrimp.

What sort of shrimp to purchase for sauteed shrimp?

There are many choices for shrimp on the retailer, which may be overwhelming (frozen, contemporary, tail on, shell on, dimension, and extra). Right here’s what to have a look at for this sauteed shrimp recipe:

  • Discover medium or giant shrimp. Medium shrimp could also be labeled 41 to 50 rely, and enormous is labeled as 31 to 40 rely, indicating what number of shrimp per pound.
  • Use tail on or peeled. The most effective shrimp for this recipe is tail on or peeled. Tail on seems good, however you do have to drag them off when consuming. In the event you unintentionally purchase shell on shrimp, don’t fear: you’ll be able to take away the shell along with your fingers earlier than cooking, leaving the tail on.
  • Recent or frozen. Each are basically the identical freshness since most shrimp are instantly flash frozen after they’re caught. Simply be sure to thaw the shrimp prematurely.
  • Wild caught. Fish that’s wild caught in your nation is often a sustainable alternative. There are additionally high quality choices in well-regulated farms; see Seafood Watch Client Information.

The way to sauté shrimp: step-by-step

Shrimp is really easy to prepare dinner on the range, you’ll end up whipping up sauteed shrimp on the common! Listed below are the fundamental steps for how you can sauté shrimp:

Shrimp in bowl

Step 1: Toss the shrimp with seasonings in a bowl. Use our secret seasoning mix (beneath), or you’ll be able to merely use salt and pepper. Do that first so the shrimp are evenly coated in spices.

Sauteed Shrimp Step 2

Step 2: Warmth butter or olive oil in an aluminum or forged iron skillet over medium excessive warmth. Add the shrimp.

Sauteed Shrimp Step 3

Step 3: Prepare dinner 1 to 2 minutes per facet till the shrimp are simply opaque and cooked via: not longer. The largest mistake folks make with shrimp is overcooking it, which makes it powerful. Prepare dinner it simply sufficient so it’s tender and juicy.

💡Professional tip: The most effective skillet for sauteing is aluminum, copper, or forged iron, which will get one of the best sear and caramelization on the skin of the shrimp. Non-stick works too: there will likely be much less browning, however it is going to nonetheless style scrumptious.

Greatest seasoning for shrimp

The shrimp seasoning on this recipe is easy however extremely efficient. We primarily based the recipe on our Magic Seafood Seasoning, which we’ve been utilizing for years and at all times will get nice evaluations. Folks take one chunk and say, “What’s in this?” For this sauteed shrimp, we used a pared down model of that mix so that you solely want 4 spices. Right here’s what you’ll want:

  • Smoked paprika
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder
  • Cumin
Sauteed shrimp recipe

Different seasoning variations

After all, the sky’s the restrict with regards to sauteed shrimp! You don’t must make our excellent seasoning mix: although in fact we hope you do! This shrimp comes out fantastically with just a bit S&P. Or, you’ll be able to combine it up with different sauces and seasonings. Listed below are just a few different shrimp seasoning concepts:

How to saute shrimp

The way to thaw shrimp

Frozen shrimp is so handy: you’ll be able to pull it out of the freezer at second’s discover for a fast meal! The one drawback is…it’s best in case you keep in mind the day earlier than. But when not: we’ve acquired a fast repair for you! Right here’s one of the simplest ways to thaw shrimp for this sauteed shrimp recipe:

  • Day earlier than: Place the frozen shrimp within the fridge in a single day.
  • Day of: Place the frozen shrimp in a big bowl with very chilly water. Stir the bowl each 5 minutes to interrupt up clumps of shrimp that freeze collectively. The shrimp ought to defrost in about quarter-hour. Be sure to pat it dry earlier than utilizing!

Make it a meal!

Sauteed shrimp is prepared in 10 minutes, and also you solely want a facet to make it a meal! Listed below are just a few fast wholesome facet dish recipes to make it right into a tasty, filling straightforward dinner:

Dietary notes

This sauteed shrimp recipe is pescatarian, gluten-free and dairy free (with olive oil).

Recent or frozen shrimp?

Each work! Purchase contemporary in case you can, however frozen is simply as scrumptious. If utilizing frozen, thaw the shrimp fully and pat dry earlier than cooking for even browning.

What sort of pan ought to I exploit?

A big skillet or sauté pan with a heavy backside is right for even warmth distribution. Aluminum, copper, or forged iron are wonderful decisions.

What’s the key to completely seared shrimp?

Medium excessive warmth is vital! Get your pan good and scorching with a drizzle of oil earlier than including the shrimp. Don’t overcrowd the pan – prepare dinner the shrimp in batches to keep away from them steaming as a substitute of searing.

How lengthy does it take to prepare dinner shrimp?

Shrimp prepare dinner in a short time! Relying on the scale, they usually solely want 1 to 2 minutes per facet, till they flip opaque and pink. Overcooked shrimp turn out to be rubbery, so watch them carefully.


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This sauteed shrimp recipe comes out juicy and seasoned to perfection in lower than 10 minutes! Listed below are the secrets and techniques to how you can saute shrimp.

  • 1 1/2 kilos medium shrimp, deveined (tail on or peeled)
  • ¾ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ¾ teaspoon smoked paprika (or substitute customary paprika)
  • ¾ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ¾ teaspoon onion powder
  • ¾ teaspoon cumin
  • 3 tablespoons butter or olive oil
  • 3 lemon wedges
  • Recent cilantro or parsley, for garnish

  1. Thaw the shrimp, if frozen. Pat the shrimp dry. In a medium bowl, combine the shrimp with the salt, smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and cumin.
  2. In a big skillet, warmth the butter on medium excessive warmth. Add the shrimp and prepare dinner for 1 to 2 minutes per facet till simply opaque and cooked via, turning them with tongs.
  3. Spritz with juice of the lemon wedges and serve instantly.

  • Class: Major Dish
  • Methodology: Sauteed
  • Delicacies: Seafood
  • Weight loss plan: Gluten Free

Key phrases: Sauteed shrimp, sauteed shrimp recipe, how you can saute shrimp

Extra nice shrimp recipes

Shrimp is certainly one of our favourite methods to a quick and wholesome meal! Listed below are just a few extra nice shrimp recipes we make on the common:

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