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Vitamin C Helps Each Immunity and Collagen Manufacturing. What Are Its Different Results and How A lot Ought to One Take Each day?

Vitamin C is without doubt one of the hottest dietary dietary supplements. Most frequently you attain for it if you really feel that an sickness is approaching and also you need to strengthen your immunity. It may be obtained by oranges, lemon teas and dietary supplements, believing that it’s going to get you again in your toes shortly. Vitamin C is one piece of the puzzle that helps to struggle colds and different diseases. What’s behind its results? And what about supplementation for athletes, ought to they take vitamin C after each exercise to advertise restoration? Discover out all this and far more in at present’s article.

It took humanity some time to determine why it’s good to eat contemporary greens and fruits. Sadly, it additionally value the lives of sailors who, after lengthy months on board a ship, suffered from a extreme vitamin C deficiency that manifested itself in a life-threatening illness referred to as scurvy. All that will have been wanted to avert it will have been to pack citrus fruits on the ship to provide the sailors with this important vitamin. Thankfully, they too figured it out over time, minimising the chance of contracting scurvy. Sadly, in Central Europe, oranges or tangerines didn’t develop on bushes, so one needed to make do with sauerkraut or potatoes, that are nonetheless one of many greatest sources of vitamin C in lots of international locations.

On this article you possibly can be taught in regards to the impact of vitamin C on:

What is vitamin C?

What’s vitamin C?

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid belongs to the group of water-soluble nutritional vitamins. It’s discovered naturally in varied meals, however can be taken by dietary supplements. In contrast to most mammals, the human physique can not synthesise this substance. For that reason, it is without doubt one of the important vitamins that have to be repeatedly taken, whether or not that is within the type of a diverse and balanced weight loss program or by dietary supplements. [1]

Why is vitamin C so essential?

  1. It belongs among the many antioxidants that assist defend cells from oxidative stress. It’s immediately concerned within the neutralisation of dangerous free radicals and reactive types of oxygen (Reactive Oxygen Species – ROS). Nonetheless, it additionally acts not directly, by its skill to restore the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. [2]
  2. Helps immune perform. It performs a job within the correct functioning of immune cells reminiscent of neutrophils or macrophages that struggle viruses, micro organism and different international substances within the physique. [3]
  3. It additionally contributes to the upkeep of regular immune system perform throughout and after intense bodily train. After a tough exercise, immunity may be weakened, so athletes ought to pay even nearer consideration to their consumption of this substance.
  4. It promotes correct collagen manufacturing for the conventional perform of the pores and skin, gums, tooth, blood vessels and cartilage. It’s also crucial for sustaining a youthful look, wholesome tooth and musculoskeletal system. [1]
  5. It’s also wanted for the manufacturing of carnitine, a substance essential for the metabolism of fats, particularly its conversion to power. Additionally because of this mechanism, vitamin C contributes to the discount of fatigue and exhaustion. Within the physique, additionally it is used within the formation of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline. [1, 6]
  6. It will increase the absorption of iron from plant sources (non-heme iron), which has a decrease bioavailability than animal iron (heme iron). This perform is particularly essential for vegetariansvegans and different individuals whose diets are dominated by plant meals. [1]
  7. Contributes to regular metabolic perform. That is notably associated to the metabolism of proteins such because the beforehand talked about collagen. It’s also concerned within the metabolism of fat by the synthesis of carnitine. [1]
  8. Helps nervous system perform. It’s concerned in processes associated to the differentiation, maturation and survival of nerve cells (neurons). [4]
  9. It additionally contributes to the right functioning of the psyche by contributing to the discharge of serotonin, catecholamines and different substances related to temper and psychological experiences. [5]

If you wish to be taught in regards to the results of different nutritional vitamins, learn our article The Full Information to Nutritional vitamins: What They Do, The way to Know When You’re Poor, and How A lot to Take.

Functions of vitamin C in the body

What are the well being advantages of vitamin C?

We now know that vitamin C just isn’t solely wanted for one’s immunity. With out it, the nervous system wouldn’t perform correctly, nor would the manufacturing of collagen, carnitine and lots of different processes within the physique. Thanks to those complicated results, a enough consumption of ascorbic acid can have a constructive impact in lots of areas of each day life.

1. It may cut back the size of an ongoing chilly

It’s no coincidence that on the first signal of a chilly, ideas of shopping for oranges and ingesting tea with lemon come to thoughts. So with out considering for lengthy, you attempt to enhance your consumption of vitamin C and hope that it’s going to lead the immune system military, thus stopping the outbreak of sickness. Nonetheless, can science additionally show that vitamin C in greater doses (200-2000 mg) can actually defeat the dangerous micro organism and viruses that need to make an amusement park out of your physique?

What does trendy science say in regards to the impact of vitamin C on colds?

  • Sadly, the preventive results of vitamin C on the event of colds and flu should not supported by present research on the overall inhabitants. [8]
  • At greater doses (as much as 2000 mg), a discount in chilly length of 8-14% has been noticed. Nonetheless, this isn’t the case for individuals who begin taking vitamin C after the onset of the primary signs. [8]
  • These research additionally discovered that individuals who took vitamin C repeatedly had milder chilly signs. [7]
  • In athletes who interact in high-intensity actions (marathon runners), vitamin C supplementation led to a 50% discount within the threat of colds. After such intense train, there could also be a brief weakening of immunity, so the significance of vitamin C is larger right here. [7-8]

Vitamin C just isn’t a miracle that works as an impenetrable defend that reliably protects you from getting a chilly. Alternatively, common supplementation can shorten the time you spend combating a chilly and different annoying signs. Nonetheless, you might really feel a good larger impact if you’re a busy athlete who trains at a excessive depth, for a number of hours at a time or a number of instances a day. It is because strenuous exercises can weaken your immunity, growing your threat of growing colds and different respiratory diseases.

If you’re questioning what else will help you enhance your immunity, learn our article 15 Methods to Enhance Your Immune System and Shield Your Well being.

Vitamin C and colds

2. Might cut back the chance of heart problems

Scientists grew to become extra within the impact of vitamin C on cardiovascular well being once they seen in research that folks with hypertension, atherosclerosis or coronary heart illness had been linked to a deficiency of the substance. Due to additional research, they came upon that this isn’t a coincidence and {that a} enough consumption of vitamin C may be useful on this respect as properly.

What’s behind the constructive impact on coronary heart and blood vessel perform?

  • At the beginning are its antioxidant results. This has been confirmed, for instance, for the mobile enzyme (eNOS) and its cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin. These elements of blood vessels are very inclined to oxidative injury that would cut back their exercise and performance. Thus, vitamin C supplementation might assist keep correct blood vessel perform even when oxidative stress is greater attributable to these properties. [9]
  • Vitamin C can even enhance the manufacturing of nitric oxide (NO), which is immediately associated to the dilation of blood vessels (vasoconstriction) and thus optimum blood movement. [9]
  • It’s also wanted for the breakdown (catabolism) of ldl cholesterol. Thus, vitamin C deficiency can result in ldl cholesterol deposition within the liver, which poses a threat of gallstones, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and different ailments of the cardiovascular system. [8]
  • It appears that evidently vitamin C supplementation can even result in a discount in blood strain in sufferers who’ve hypertension (hypertension). Nonetheless, extra concrete scientific proof is required to substantiate this impact. [10]

Wholesome fat are additionally essential for coronary heart and blood vessel well being. If you’re excited by their results or their meals sources, you shouldn’t miss our article How Many Wholesome Fat to Eat? The Quantity of Omega 3 is Extra Vital Than Their Ratio to Omega 6.

You could be excited by these merchandise:

3. Promotes the upkeep of wholesome eyesight

As a rule, vitamin Alutein or beta-carotene are related to wholesome eyes reasonably than vitamin C. Nonetheless, vitamin C has so much to supply on this respect.

How can vitamin C assist your imaginative and prescient?

  • Vitamin C is discovered immediately within the lens, the place it acts as pure safety towards UV radiation, which may trigger oxidative stress injury to the attention. Nonetheless, as you age, the quantity of this vitamin within the lens usually decreases, resulting in the next threat of cataracts. Ascorbic acid supplementation can subsequently assist to take care of optimum ranges and thus protect its protecting results towards UV radiation. [11]
  • In response to research, the next consumption of vitamin C might also sluggish the worsening of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an eye fixed illness additionally widespread in older age. Nonetheless, it really works finest when mixed with different vitamins. For instance, a mix of 500 mg of vitamin C with vitamin E, zinc and beta-carotene has been proven to work successfully in research. [12]

Vitamin C may be supplemented with a complicated containing vitamin A, B2, lutein, beta-carotene and different energetic components for max eye care. You possibly can be taught extra about beta-carotene in our article Beta-Carotene – A Plant Supply of Vitamin A Not Just for the Eyes and Pores and skin.

Vitamin C and your skin

4. Contributes to the well being of the pores and skin

Like your eyesight, vitamin C can even defend your pores and skin from UV rays and the unfavorable modifications related to ageing.

What are the mechanisms behind the constructive impact of vitamin C on the pores and skin?

  • As we already know, vitamin C promotes the manufacturing of collagen, a protein that’s essential for pores and skin firmness and suppleness. It acts as a cofactor for enzymes (prolyl hydroxylase, lysyl hydroxylase) which are wanted to stabilise and strengthen the collagen molecule. Nonetheless, it additionally promotes the manufacturing of collagen itself, immediately on the RNA stage. [13]
  • Vitamin C additionally has a powerful antioxidant impact on the pores and skin, particularly in defending cells from dangerous UV radiation. This may additionally result in untimely pores and skin ageing. In research, it has been finest utilized in mixture with vitamin E, which can also be an antioxidant. [13]
  • Derivatives of ascorbic acid can cut back the extreme manufacturing of melanin, a pores and skin pigment. It may thus assist stop the formation of pigment spots. [13]
  • In recent times, vitamin C has additionally been added to lotions, serums and different skincare merchandise. When it penetrates the deeper layers of the pores and skin, it may well have an analogous impact to that of meals sources and dietary supplements. [14]

As a result of these properties, vitamin C is usually added to complicated dietary dietary supplements for skincare. It’s very best together with collagen, which you’ll be able to learn extra about in our article How To Select the Finest Collagen for Wholesome Pores and skin and Joints? 

5. Assists with wound therapeutic

Virtually everybody will get a pores and skin harm from coaching, outside or different actions on occasion. That is the place the therapeutic course of is available in, which entails quite a few substances. After we put collectively the impact of vitamin C on immune perform and collagen synthesis, it’s not exhausting to guess that it additionally has one thing to provide in therapeutic pores and skin wounds.

What’s the position of vitamin C in wound therapeutic?

  • Throughout wound therapeutic, the physique’s consumption of vitamin C might enhance. It performs a job in all phases of the method. [15]
  • First, it’s wanted for the right perform of neutrophils, or immune cells, which assist struggle an infection.
  • Then it’s concerned within the formation of connective tissue within the type of collagen, and at last within the correct formation of scar tissue.

That’s why it’s particularly essential for sufferers after main surgical procedure to verify they’ve sufficient vitamin C of their our bodies.

6. Contributes to the upkeep of wholesome joints

Everybody desires to take pleasure in pain-free motion for so long as potential. That’s why it’s essential to maintain your joints and provides them what they want. This implies, at the start, a wholesome stage of train, enough relaxation and a balanced weight loss program with all of the vitamins that assist maintain cartilage, the joints and different components of the musculoskeletal system in prime situation. This consists of vitamin C, which contributes to the conventional manufacturing of collagen for correct cartilage perform. This helps to maintain them robust and supple.

What else have research investigating the impact of ascorbic acid on the musculoskeletal system discovered?

  • Helps defend cartilage cells (chondrocytes) from oxidative stress. By scavenging and neutralising free radicals, it may well stop their accumulation, which is without doubt one of the causes of cartilage injury resulting in osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and different joint ailments. [16]
  • Supplementation with vitamin C (200 mg/day) can cut back inflammatory exercise within the joints whereas stimulating the manufacturing of collagen and proteoglycans, that are additionally a part of cartilage. [16]
  • Vitamin C has additionally confirmed to be part of the therapy for sufferers with osteoporosis. [17]

Thanks to those properties, vitamin C is a typical element of complicated joint vitamin dietary supplements. In case you need assistance selecting a particular joint vitamin, our article The way to Choose the Final Joint Diet? might assist you.

Vitamin C and joints

7. Different potential results

Vitamin C has an impact on the perform of the entire physique. Subsequently, scientists are different areas of human well being to see if supplementation is related for them as properly.

  • Impact on decreasing most cancers threat: you could find research that present, for instance, that vitamin C from pure sources can work to forestall lung and breast most cancers. Nonetheless, giant pooled research (meta-analyses) say that there’s not but sufficient proof to definitively affirm this. [18-19]
  • It may cut back muscle soreness after a exercise: In response to some research, it could cut back the muscle soreness skilled after train (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – DOMS) attributable to its antioxidant results. On the similar time, there are research that declare that this impact might have a unfavorable impact on muscle adaptation. That is wanted for muscle progress, power and general athletic efficiency.
  • Might cut back the chance of melancholy. Vitamin C might also have antidepressant results. Nonetheless, the precise mechanism just isn’t but identified. [8]
  • It may struggle the indicators of ageing: Due to its antioxidant results and its affect on collagen formation, additionally it is categorised as an anti-ageing substance.

In case you’re questioning what else will help decelerate the indicators of ageing, you could find out all of the necessities in our article Anti-Ageing and Wholesome Ageing: The way to Take Care of Your Physique and Keep Wholesome and Youthful?

Uncover our bestsellers:

What can occur if you’re poor in vitamin C?

Now that we’ve got mentioned the advantages of a enough consumption of this substance, it’s time to reveal the dangers of a deficiency. The most important concern of ascorbic acid deficiency within the physique is undoubtedly scurvy. This critical illness can happen after only one month of no or low (<10 mg/day) vitamin C consumption. It’s manifested by fatigue, gingivitis, tooth loss, joint ache or poor wound therapeutic. Till the 18th century, this illness was deadly for a lot of sailors who sailed the seas for lengthy months. They had been solely saved by the invention that consuming citrus fruits and juices, that are a wealthy supply of vitamin C, helped towards scurvy. For the file, British sailors had been nicknamed “limeys” exactly as a result of they sucked on this citrus on their voyages. [20-21]

Indicators of vitamin C deficiency

Ascorbic acid deficiency could also be refined at first. It’s not that you’ll instantly undergo from scurvy. As a result of complicated impact of vitamin C on the physique, even signs of deficiency can manifest themselves all through your complete physique. [28, 30]

  • tiredness
  • decreased urge for food
  • extra frequent colds or different diseases
  • deterioration within the high quality of hair, nails and pores and skin
  • impaired eyesight (blurred imaginative and prescient, dry eyes)
  • slower wound therapeutic
  • sore joints
  • infected gums
  • anaemia
Vitamin C deficiency

Prevalence of vitamin C deficiency on the earth

These days, scurvy is fortuitously a really uncommon illness, occurring at most in growing international locations. For instance, vitamin C deficiency, which may be outlined as a drop in blood focus under 11.4 μmol/l, occurred in 7.1% of the US inhabitants between 2003 and 2004. Within the case of the inhabitants of northern India (over 60 years of age), it was as excessive as 73.9% between 2004 and 2006. Of their case, the primary causes had been most likely insufficient vitamin and excessive tobacco consumption. [27]

Who’s most in danger for vitamin C deficiency?

  • People who smoke: attributable to greater oxidative stress, people who smoke are suggested to extend their vitamin C consumption by 35 mg per day above the beneficial consumption. Nonetheless, people who find themselves steadily uncovered to cigarette smoke (passive people who smoke) must also maintain an in depth eye on their vitamin C consumption.
  • Individuals who have restricted selection of their weight loss program: a diverse weight loss program with loads of fruit and greens is often sufficient to cowl most individuals’s each day vitamin C consumption. Nonetheless, if some people don’t eat common sources of vitamin C, they threat growing a deficiency of this substance.
  • Individuals with poor nutrient absorption: some individuals might also expertise lowered absorption of vitamins from the gut. Along with digestive tract ailments, this could happen in most cancers sufferers.
  • Newborns fed solely on boiled cow’s milk: prior to now, breast milk or synthetic toddler system was changed by cow’s milk. This itself incorporates a small quantity of vitamin C, which may be additional lowered when reboiled.

Different threat components for ascorbic acid deficiency embody excessive alcohol consumption, sort 1 diabetes, meals allergy symptoms or excessive iron consumption, which results in larger excretion of vitamin C by the kidneys. [27]

Causes of vitamin C deficiency

The way to complement vitamin C?

Even kindergarten youngsters might most likely title the best-known sources of vitamin C. It’s orange, lemon, mandarines and different citrus fruits. However you could be shocked to know that peppers, cabbage or broccoli can go toe-to-toe with citrus fruits. For some individuals, nevertheless, even these contemporary fruits should not a significant supply of vitamin C. For instance, the Inuit, who stay in circumstances the place they’re unable to develop as many fruit and veggies. Even so, they don’t undergo from a deficiency of this micronutrient, because of their frequent consumption of seafood, animals and fish, which additionally include vitamin C. [20]

1. Vitamin C in meals

Within the desk you possibly can see a collection of the richest sources of vitamin C. Nonetheless, different widespread fruit and veggies additionally include it, so there’s no want to begin on the lookout for unique guavas or papayas immediately. As well as, you can even discover meals within the retailers which are fortified with vitamin C. These are most frequently juices or cereals. [22]


Quantity of vitamin C per 100 g

Guava 228 mg
Blackcurrant 181 mg
Bell pepper 128 mg
Contemporary parsley 133 mg
Kiwi 93 mg
Broccoli 89 mg
Papaya 61 mg
Strawberries 59 mg
Oranges, lemons 53 mg
Cabbage 40 mg
Potatoes 23 mg
Savoy cabbage 18 mg

The way to protect as a lot vitamin C in meals as potential?

The vitamin C content material of those fruits varies in keeping with the time of harvest, transport and storage circumstances. Nonetheless, cooking additionally has an impact, as it’s warmth delicate and prolonged cooking might destroy it, so it is very important observe a couple of primary guidelines to take care of most vitamin C. [23]

  • Eat contemporary berries as quickly as potential after buy. Keep away from extended storage.
  • Fruit and greens must be eaten contemporary.
  • Slice fruit and greens simply earlier than cooking.
  • When cooking potatoes or broccoli, for instance, use as little water as potential. Steaming can also be appropriate.
  • Select the shortest potential meals preparation, reminiscent of quick stir-fries or blanching.

If you wish to be taught extra about easy methods to retailer contemporary and non-perishable meals at house, you shouldn’t miss out on our article The way to Retailer Meals Correctly to Make It Final as Lengthy as Potential. 

Sources of vitamin C

2. Dietary dietary supplements with vitamin C

Vitamin C dietary supplements are perfect for individuals who don’t eat lots of fruit and greens, or who need to be sure they get sufficient of this micronutrient in the course of the winter months when contemporary produce is much less out there.

  • You possibly can select from a number of types, reminiscent of tablets, capsules, effervescent tablets, soluble powder, drops or sprays.
  • You may also strive vitamin C derived from plant extracts of  BIO Camu Camu powder and BIO Acerola powder.
  • Fruit flavoured chewable tablets are perfect for youngsters.
  • The most effective-absorbed type to this point is liposomal vitamin C. In response to research, it may well enhance the focus of vitamin C within the blood as much as twice as a lot as the traditional type. [9]
  • Vitamin C can also be typically mixed in dietary supplements with vitamin D3, ginger extract, or zinc, that are additionally antioxidants and assist correct immune perform.
  • It’s an important ingredient in multivitamins, joint vitamin and skincare merchandise.

Vitamin C after coaching: Sure or no?

Taking vitamin C proper after a exercise might sound like a terrific concept. That is when the physique is battling oxidative stress attributable to train and immunity may be weakened, so it is sensible to spice up it with this antioxidant. Nonetheless, if you happen to’re aiming for muscle progress and power, you would possibly need to suppose once more.

It has been discovered {that a} sure stage of oxidative stress is fascinating to start with for the right course of coaching adaptation, when muscle fibres are repaired and strengthened. We don’t but know the precise mechanism, however the outcomes of the present research recommend {that a} greater consumption of antioxidants after coaching might compromise your efficiency. Thus, it could be higher to shift your vitamin C consumption to earlier than or a couple of hours after your exercise. [24]

If you’re questioning which post-workout vitamins are appropriate and can assist you get well, try our article What to Eat After Coaching? The Finest Meals and Dietary supplements for Bodybuilders and Endurance Athletes.

Supplements with vitamin C

Really useful each day consumption of vitamin C

1. The European Meals Security Authority (EFSA) recommends the next values:

  • for youngsters from 7 to 11 months: 20 mg/each day
  • for youngsters from 1 to 17 years: step by step enhance in keeping with age and physique weight from 20 to 100 mg/each day for boys, 20-90 mg/each day for ladies
  • grownup males: 90 mg/each day
  • grownup females: 80 mg/each day
  • pregnant and lactating ladies: enhance baseline consumption by 60 mg/each day to 140 mg/each day. [25]

2. The Diet Society of the German-speaking International locations (DACH) makes the next suggestions:

  • for youngsters from 0 to 4 years: 20 mg/each day
  • for youngsters aged 4 to 7 years: 30 mg/each day
  • for youngsters aged 7 to 10 years: 45 mg/each day
  • for youngsters aged 10 to 13 years: 65 mg/each day
  • for youngsters aged 13 to fifteen years: 85 mg/each day
  • 15 to 19 years: 90 mg/each day for ladies, 105 mg/each day for boys
  • grownup males: 110 mg/each day
  • grownup ladies: 95 mg/each day
  • pregnant ladies as much as the 4th month: 105 mg/each day after which again to 95 mg/each day
  • breastfeeding ladies: 125 mg/each day [26]

To attain these suggestions, it’s often enough to eat 400 g of greens and ideally 200 g of contemporary fruit per day. Increased doses of as much as 2000 mg/each day are beneficial, particularly for efficiency athletes, to assist immunity and cut back the length of colds. These individuals can even replenish vitamin C by dietary supplements. [8]

You will have seen prior to now that top doses of over 2000 mg per day had been as soon as popularised by Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling. He believed that by doing so, one might decelerate ageing, cut back the chance of catching a chilly or growing coronary heart illness or most cancers. Nonetheless, his claims have been refuted by trendy science many instances. [29]

Vitamin C overdose

What can occur after vitamin C overdose?

Vitamin C is water-soluble and doesn’t accumulate within the physique to any nice extent. Subsequently, any extra is routinely excreted within the urine. Nonetheless, if you happen to exceed the each day dose of 2000 mg, which is the higher beneficial restrict, it may well trigger digestive issues. It is because unabsorbed vitamin C is osmotically energetic and thus binds water within the digestive tract. [1]

Last abstract: What’s vitamin C wanted for?

  • It helps the right perform of the nervous and immune programs.
  • Contributes to the upkeep of regular immune system perform throughout and after intense bodily train.
  • It has a constructive impact on the psyche.
  • It helps to cut back fatigue and exhaustion.
  • It contributes to correct metabolic perform essential for power manufacturing.
  • It promotes correct collagen manufacturing for regular perform of the pores and skin, gums, tooth, blood vessels and cartilage.
  • Contributes to the safety of cells from oxidative stress.
  • Will increase iron absorption.
  • Helps the regeneration of the lowered type of vitamin E.

What must you bear in mind?

After studying at present’s article, you already know that vitamin C is not solely wanted for a properly functioning immune system. It additionally promotes the manufacturing of collagen, which is crucial for wholesome pores and skin, joints and wound therapeutic. Sources of vitamin C must also be repeatedly included in your weight loss program for its antioxidant results or its affect on power metabolism. In case you steadily eat citrus fruits, kiwis, peppers, cabbage or broccoli, you most likely don’t want to fret a couple of lack of this substance. In case you have hassle consuming sufficient sources of meals, dietary supplements might come in useful. You possibly can select between capsules, soluble powder and even chewable tablets. However if you wish to guarantee most absorption, go for liposomal vitamin C.

Do you complement vitamin C or depend on getting it out of your weight loss program? In case you favored this text, you’ll want to share it with your pals to allow them to be taught in regards to the significance of getting sufficient of this important vitamin.


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[5] Sim, M., Hong, S., Jung, S., Kim, J.-S., Goo, Y.-T., Chun, W. Y., & Shin, D.-M. Vitamin C supplementation promotes psychological vitality in wholesome younger adults: Outcomes from a cross-sectional evaluation and a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. –

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[7] Frequent colds: Does vitamin C maintain you wholesome? –

[8] Study. Analysis Breakdown on Vitamin C. – https://look supplements/vitamin-c/analysis/#KJmmVJ7-inflammation-and-immunology

[9] Morelli, M. B., Gambardella, J., Castellanos, V., Trimarco, V., & Santulli, G. Vitamin C and Cardiovascular Illness: An Replace. –

[10] Guan, Y., Dai, P., & Wang, H. Results of vitamin C supplementation on important hypertension: A scientific evaluation and meta-analysis. –

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[18] Villagran, M., Ferreira, J., Martorell, M., & Mardones, L. The Function of Vitamin C in Most cancers Prevention and Remedy: A Literature Overview. –

[19] Lee, B., Oh, S.-W., & Myung, S.-Ok. Efficacy of Vitamin C Dietary supplements in Prevention of Most cancers: A Meta-Evaluation of Randomized Managed Trials. –

[20] Mayntz, M. How A lot Do You Actually Know About That Vitamin C Capsule? –

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[22] FoodData Central. –

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[24] Vitamin C and E supplementation might hinder power coaching—Study. – https://look

[25] EFSA.Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for vitamin –

[26] DGE. Vitamin C. –

[27] NCBI Bookshelf. Vitamin C Deficiency. –

[28] Healthdirect Australia. Vitamin C deficiency. –

[29] Hemilä, H., Chalker, E., & Douglas, B. Vitamin C for stopping and treating the widespread chilly. –

[30] Well being. How Do You Know if You Have Vitamin C Deficiency? – https://www.well

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