
8 Anadrol Aspect Results (and Find out how to Fight Them)

Dr George TouliatosDisclaimer: The next article is for academic functions solely and doesn’t promote the usage of unlawful steroids. When you have any questions or issues, Dr. Touliatos is at the moment accessible for session.

Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is likely one of the most potent anabolic steroids a bodybuilder can take to construct vital quantities of muscle and power. Nonetheless, it is usually probably the most poisonous steroids, so warning have to be exercised if customers need to preserve their well being intact.

Under are the eight commonest anadrol unwanted effects we see in sufferers beneath our care and the strategies we use to fight every of them.

1. Ldl cholesterol

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels of cholesterol will enhance considerably on anadrol, growing the danger of myocardial infarction (MI).

Anadrol is extra cardiotoxic than different anabolic steroids as a result of its sheer efficiency, its water-retaining attributes, and the truth that it decreases hepatic lipase upon getting into the bloodstream.

We now have discovered it to be among the many worst anabolic steroids for cardiovascular well being, and thus now we have a number of strategies we use to fight extreme rises in blood stress.

Our sufferers who undertake a ketogenic food regimen usually expertise a notable discount in blood stress as a result of lowered blood sugar ranges.

We additionally see that customers who carry out cardiovascular exercise (>20 minute exercises) 3–4 occasions per week expertise larger vasodilation and extra steady blood stress scores.

Moreover, taking 4 grams of fish oil a day has additionally helped to decrease LDL ldl cholesterol whereas growing HDL (1), providing additional safety to the center.

2. Testosterone Suppression

With anadrol being a type of exogenous testosterone, it’ll trigger a discount in endogenous testosterone. Thus, it will probably trigger low testosterone ranges for a number of weeks or months following cycle cessation.

This could depart customers feeling drained and fatigued whereas having low libido and total well-being.

Implementing a post-cycle remedy protocol is an efficient option to speed up restoration of the HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis).

We now have discovered the next drugs to be efficient at elevating endogenous testosterone ranges:

Clomid or Nolvadex could also be taken alone if customers have taken anadrol in a standalone cycle. Nonetheless, all three could also be utilized collectively if anadrol has been stacked with different anabolic steroids (and the affected person is clinically hypogonadal).

3. Liver Harm

Anadrol is hepatotoxic, being an c-17 alpha-alkylated steroid that passes by means of the liver upon entry into the bloodstream.

Consequently, we are going to see excessive ALT and AST ranges throughout sufferers’ LFTs (liver perform exams), indicating irritation and injury to the organ.

Sometimes, we are going to see such enzymes drop again to a standard vary post-cycle. Nonetheless, hepatic peliosis and liver failure are potential in customers with compromised livers.

We now have discovered tudca (tauroursodeoxycholic acid), a naturally occurring bile acid, to be a really efficient complement for inhibiting extreme rises in ALT and AST ranges. 500 mg/day, anecdotally, has been an efficient dose for our sufferers.

Additionally, intermittent fasting and avoiding alcohol are additional measures a person can take to guard their liver throughout an anadrol cycle.

4. Pimples

Pimples vulgaris is a aspect impact of anadrol that may happen in genetically delicate people. This is because of anadrol’s robust androgenic properties, which enhance sebum manufacturing, inflicting extreme oily pores and skin and blocked pores.

That is hardly ever a difficult aspect impact; nevertheless, if such pimples turns into painful, customers may be prescribed benzoil peroxide, isotretinoids, or retinoids. These drugs all have inhibitory results on micro organism and thus enhance bouts of pimples.

5. Hair Loss

Hair loss, like pimples, is one other androgenic aspect impact of anadrol. The thinning, loss, or recession of hair on the scalp is brought on by considerably larger DHT (dihydrotestosterone) ranges.

There are medicine equivalent to finasteride that may block DHT ranges; nevertheless, this isn’t optimum for bodybuilders as DHT is a potent anabolic hormone, and thus, by inhibiting it, you could expertise much less outcomes from Anadrol.

Bee propolis is a pure complement now we have discovered to be helpful in lowering hair loss in a few of our sufferers because it induces hair keratinocyte proliferation (2).

Nonetheless, genetics will sometimes play a serious function in figuring out the severity of hair loss from any steroid cycle. Thus, anabolic steroids hardly ever trigger somebody to go bald who already has thick hair and a low hairline. AAS will merely speed up the balding course of.

Androgenetic alopecia may be averted by taking much less androgenic anabolic steroids, equivalent to dianabol or deca durabolin.

6. Gynecomastia

Anadrol doesn’t trigger aromatization (the conversion of testosterone into estrogen). Nonetheless, gynecomastia stays a potential aspect impact of anadrol as a result of direct stimulation of the ER (estrogen receptors).

Thus, an aromastase inhibitor equivalent to Arimidex is not going to be efficient for stopping gynecomastia on anadrol. Nonetheless, a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator) equivalent to Nolvadex or Clomid might be efficient, because it blocks estrogen on the receptor stage.

7. Bloating

Resulting from its estrogenic properties, water retention turns into an inevitable anadrol aspect impact.

This is because of larger estrogen ranges growing sodium retention (3).

Thus, if a person’s food regimen stays the identical, they are going to nearly actually expertise some bloating. Nonetheless, if an individual have been to decrease their sodium consumption, it’s potential that they might take anadrol and never retain any extra water.

This is the reason males’s physique rivals can cycle anadrol main as much as a contest and but nonetheless seem full and dry onstage as a result of their sodium consumption stays low.

8. Prostate Enlargement

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate enlargement, is one other androgenic aspect impact of anadrol, which can lead to issue urinating.

In our expertise, noticed palmetto has been helpful in lowering prostate irritation (4).


Does Anadrol Trigger Aspect Results in Ladies?

Anadrol produces the identical unwanted effects in girls because it does in males, when it comes to cardiotoxicity, liver irritation, and testosterone suppression.

By way of masculinization, analysis has proven that girls tolerate anadrol very properly, even in megadoses.

In a single research, girls got 150 mg/day for 30 weeks, and none of them skilled virilizing unwanted effects (5). We now have additionally discovered that anadrol hardly ever causes virilization in feminine sufferers, and if this does happen, it’s at all times the results of anadrol being stacked with different anabolic steroids.


Anadrol’s unwanted effects needs to be thought of extremely poisonous in modern-day bodybuilding doses. If a person is considering of taking anadrol however doesn’t have wonderful cardiac and hepatic well being, they need to rethink this resolution.

Co Authors :

(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5827911/

(2) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25418897/

(3) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspor.2021.722305/full

(4) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6859144/

(5) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8785183/

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