
Why do docs nonetheless use pagers? : NPR

At a surprisingly giant variety of hospitals, the pager stays the spine of communication. The Planet Cash group tries to grasp why the pager has been so onerous to exchange.


Keep in mind the pager? Effectively, to today, at many hospitals, docs nonetheless talk utilizing the seemingly outdated piece of know-how. Jeff Guo from our Planet Cash podcast just lately tried to grasp why.

JEFF GUO, BYLINE: A protracted, very long time in the past – properly, not that way back – there was this gadget referred to as a pager. Some folks name them beepers.


SIR MIX-A-LOT: (Rapping) How does Combine-A-Lot talk? With beepers, child. Beepers…

GUO: Yeah, OK, pagers have been enormous within the ’80s, however the cellphone type of made the pager out of date as a result of most pagers solely obtain messages. You may’t really textual content anybody again.

CHRISTOPHER PEABODY: It is a one-way communication pathway, all proper?

GUO: Dr. Christopher Peabody – folks name him Toph. He is an emergency room doctor at San Francisco Common Hospital, and he says pagers trigger every kind of issues for docs attempting to get in contact with one another.

PEABODY: So the traditional factor is, like, I by no means bought the web page, you realize? The place have been you? I by no means bought the web page.

GUO: And look, Toph has heard all of the traditional arguments for why hospitals nonetheless use pagers to today.

PEABODY: You may throw them in the bathroom. You may drop them. And so they run on a double a battery – OK? – like, ceaselessly. And so they’re low cost. They’re just like the cockroaches of communication.

GUO: Additionally, pagers get higher service. They run on completely different wi-fi networks than cell telephones, in order that they’re extra dependable in an emergency. However, just a few years in the past, Toph and his colleague, Dr. Mary Mercer, tried to get their fellow docs to modify to a extra trendy strategy to talk – attempt to get them to make use of texting. They ran slightly pilot program at their hospital.

One of many good issues about texting is you could ship footage. Mary says, through the pilot program, a affected person got here into the ER with this badly damaged ankle, and he or she simply texted out a snapshot. An orthopedic surgeon got here down immediately to have a look.

MARY MERCER: Everybody was high-fiving after that. Like…

GUO: Actually?

MERCER: Sure. The emergency resident and I high-fived.

GUO: (Laughter).

MERCER: The affected person high-fived. The orthopedic resident high-fived. – yeah.

GUO: You high-fived the affected person?

MERCER: Sure. Oh, they have been thrilled.

GUO: Everybody was like, wow, have a look at how environment friendly that was. However because the pilot program continued, Mary and Toph realized that texting might need one drawback. It might need made communication slightly too simple. That was the expertise of Abhinav Janghala, who was an orthopedics resident on the time. Abhinav says, with texting, he began getting interrupted far more regularly by the opposite docs. Like, on a regular basis, they’d be like…

ABHINAV JANGHALA: Oh, I can simply textual content orthopedics actual fast. Hey, it isn’t a seek the advice of. I simply needed to ask, like, what do you consider this?

GUO: In the long run, quite a lot of docs simply most well-liked to stay with their old style pagers. And perhaps there is a greater lesson right here, which is that every time a company adopts a brand new type of know-how, you are not simply altering the instruments that individuals use. You are altering how folks work and altering how they work collectively. On this case, the docs found an surprising advantage of their old style pagers. By making communication slightly more durable, the pager forces folks to be extra succinct and in addition to suppose twice earlier than they attain out to you.

On that word, I simply wish to let my editors know I am turning off my e mail. If you wish to attain me, you may simply ship me an old style letter. Simply kidding – I believe.

Jeff Guo, NPR Information.

SUMMERS: To listen to extra about this story and others prefer it, hearken to the Planet Cash podcast.


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