
Straightforward Garlic Butter Noodles – A Couple Cooks

This garlic butter noodles recipe is quick, simple, and bursting with taste! This eye-catching pasta comes collectively in 20 minutes.

Garlic Butter Noodles

Right here’s a kind of “again pocket” recipes to bookmark for whenever you’re brief on time: Garlic Butter Noodles! This simple pasta makes use of principally pantry substances and is fast and easy to whip up in simply 20 minutes. Take a chew from this pile of heat, buttery pasta and it’s pure bliss! This one works for each youngsters and adults: it’s each subtle and chic but on the identical time buttery and savory (so long as your child loves garlic, which ours does in spades!).

6 substances in garlic butter noodles

OK, let’s say you might have simply minutes to whip up dinner and also you’re low on grocery substances. Possibly it’s the top of the week, you’re simply again from touring, otherwise you haven’t had time to consider dinner. Garlic butter noodles to the rescue! This recipe has simply 6 substances (plus salt) and comes collectively in 20 minutes. Right here’s what you’ll want:

  • Spaghetti noodles
  • Garlic
  • Salted butter
  • Parmesan cheese, grated
  • Lemon zest (non-compulsory)
  • Recent or dried parsley
  • Kosher salt

In case you don’t have any recent substances, dried parsley flakes work in a pinch! Lemon zest provides a recent punch to the flavour, nevertheless it’s not required when you don’t have a lemon available. Tip: Lemons saved within the fridge can last as long as 1 month!

Garlic butter noodles

Easy methods to prepare dinner pasta to al dente

One of the simplest ways to make garlic noodles that style unbelievable? Cook dinner the pasta to al dente! Al dente means “to the chew” in Italian. Most cooks agree that al dente is when pasta is tender with a small white speck inside whenever you chew into a bit. Listed below are just a few suggestions for the proper al dente pasta:

  • Boil the pasta a couple of minutes much less than indicated on the bundle directions. Usually the bundle makes for overcooked pasta.
  • Begin style testing early. Begin style testing and cease cooking when the pasta is simply tender however you may nonetheless see a small white speck inside.

Suggestions for garlic butter noodles

Garlic butter noodles are easy to place collectively, with only some issues to notice in regards to the technique! Listed below are just a few suggestions for this recipe:

  • Mince the garlic very finely. It brings a pungent and irresistible taste to this pasta. Don’t know one of the best ways? Right here’s the best way to mince garlic rapidly and effectively!
  • Take away the garlic from the warmth after sauteing. You’ll sauté the garlic with the butter, then set it apart till the noodles are accomplished. Don’t depart it on the warmth, or it’ll proceed to prepare dinner and will change into too browned!
  • Save out the pasta water! If you’re draining the pasta, don’t neglect to avoid wasting out a little bit of the water. This starchy liquid helps to make the buttery pan sauce.

Notes on serving measurement

This garlic butter noodles makes use of 8 ounces pasta for the recipe, which is sufficient for 4 modest servings. Nevertheless when you eat this pasta as a foremost dish, chances are you’ll discover it makes extra like 2 to three servings. As a facet dish, it might probably work for 4 to even 6 servings.

In case you’re making it as a foremost dish, be happy to double the recipe if desired. To make it simple, click on the 2X recipe button under!

Leftovers and storage data

These garlic butter noodles style the perfect the day they’re made, recent from the skillet! We don’t counsel making them forward, however you may retailer leftovers and revel in them for just a few days.

Retailer leftovers for as much as 3 days refrigerated. Reheat on the stovetop till they’re heat, including just a few extra pinches of salt (typically pasta loses its saltiness throughout storage).

Garlic butter noodles

Simpler recipes

This garlic butter noodles recipe is fast and easy, starring a brief checklist of substances and a speedy cooking approach! Listed below are just a few extra quick recipes for whenever you want a fast repair:

This garlic butter noodles recipe is…

Vegetarian. For gluten-free, use gluten-free pasta. For vegan, use vegan butter.


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This garlic butter noodles recipe is quick, simple, and bursting with taste! This eye-catching pasta comes collectively in 20 minutes.

  • 8 ounces spaghetti noodles
  • 4 garlic cloves, finely minced
  • 4 tablespoons salted butter
  • ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Zest of 1 lemon (non-compulsory)
  • 1 tablespoon finely minced parsley (use dried in a pinch)
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt, plus extra for pasta water and to style

  1. Begin a big pot of generously salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and boil till al dente (examine a couple of minutes earlier than the bundle directions point out). Reserve about ½ cup pasta water, then drain the pasta and return it to the pot. Toss with somewhat olive oil if the sauce isn’t but prepared.
  2. In a big skillet, warmth the butter over medium low warmth. Add the garlic and prepare dinner 2 to three minutes till aromatic and garlic simply begins to show golden. Take away from the warmth earlier than garlic browns (watch fastidiously as a result of it might probably brown rapidly!). Reserve till the pasta is prepared.
  3. Within the skillet, toss the drained pasta, grated Parmesan cheese, lemon zest, parsley, ¼ teaspoon kosher salt, and simply sufficient pasta water till saucy (begin with 2 to three tablespoons). Style once more and add just a few extra pinches of salt if desired. Take pleasure in heat. Leftovers retailer as much as 3 days refrigerated; re-warm in a skillet and add just a few pinches of salt if desired.

  • Class: Pasta
  • Methodology: Stovetop
  • Delicacies: American
  • Weight loss plan: Vegetarian

Key phrases: Garlic butter noodles, butter garlic noodles, garlic butter noodles recipe

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