
Snickerdoodle Spice Oatmeal | BODi

Snickerdoodle Spice Oatmeal

There’s one thing so cozy a few heat bowl of oatmeal for breakfast on a crisp morning.

However this Snickerdoodle Spice Oatmeal recipe ups the comfortable issue instances 10 — we added a scoop of Snickerdoodle Shakeology, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and a wee little bit of molasses for a lightweight contact of sweetness.

This bowl of oatmeal is so comforting and scrumptious you’ll by no means return to plain oatmeal!


Snickerdoodle Shakeology

Bask in a feel-good superfood dessert that tastes similar to cinnamon-sugar cookies.

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Snickerdoodle Spice Oatmeal

  • cups / 300 ml
  • ½
    cup / 40 g
    dry rolled oats
  • ½
    cup / 120 ml
    unsweetened almond milk
  • 1
    Snickerdoodle Shakeology
  • 1
    molasses (or pure maple syrup)
  • ¾
    floor cinnamon
  • 1
    floor ginger
  • 1
    floor nutmeg

  1. Carry water to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium-high warmth. 

  2. Add oats; combine nicely. Scale back warmth to low. Gently boil, stirring often, for five minutes, or till thick and delicate.  

  3. Add almond milk, Shakeology, molasses, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg; stir till mixed. Serve instantly. 

Incredible Fiber (F), Gluten-Free (GF), No Dairy (ND), Protein Energy (P), Fast ’n’ Straightforward (QE), Vegan (V), Vegetarian (VG) 

The Vitamin Information field under offers estimated dietary info for this recipe.*

* Whole Sugar 12 g, Added Sugar 9 g

Vitamin Information

Snickerdoodle Spice Oatmeal

Quantity Per Serving (1 serving)

Energy 353
Energy from Fats 63

% Every day Worth*

Fats 7g11%

Saturated Fats 1g6%

Sodium 393mg17%

Carbohydrates 51g17%

Fiber 11g46%

Sugar 12g13%

Protein 22g44%

* % Every day Values are primarily based on a 2000 calorie eating regimen.

Container Equivalents (Common)
1 Purple
2 Yellow
½ tsp.

Container Equivalents (Vegan)
1 Purple
2 Yellow A
½ tsp.

2B Mindset Plate It!
This recipe makes a fantastic breakfast.

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