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Asparagus Pasta with Lemon – A Couple Cooks

Craving a seasonal pasta dish? This asparagus pasta recipe pairs lemony roasted asparagus with a light-weight sauce, recent basil, and Parmesan for a simple dinner made in half-hour.

Asparagus pasta topped with Parmesan shavings and garnished with lemon and basil.

As soon as the primary few heat days of spring hit, we begin craving all of the inexperienced greens. Right here’s a good way to make use of these common brilliant inexperienced spears: asparagus pasta with lemon and Parmesan.

What we love about this asparagus pasta recipe

Effectively, what’s to not love about asparagus in pasta? This one disappears in a short time after we make it at our home. Right here are some things we love about it:

  • This seasonal recipe is pull-out-the-stops scrumptious! It pairs chewy tagliatelle noodles with lemony roasted asparagus, garlic, and Parmesan. Topped seasoned breadcrumbs and peppery basil leaves, the mix of flavors is unbelievably recent and savory.
  • It’s quick. Like many pasta recipes, it may be made in simply half-hour.
  • The inexperienced greens add fiber. In a pasta dish, that’s saying one thing!

Key substances

This lemon asparagus pasta makes use of daring flavors to attain a restaurant-style high quality pasta recipe! There are a number of secret substances that take the flavour up a number of notches.

  • Tagliatelle or fettucine pasta: Any large, flat noodle works properly right here. Tagliatelle may be very large and has a pleasing, chewy texture. You may as well make it with bucatini (hole spaghetti) or spaghetti should you favor.
  • Asparagus: Search for asparagus spears which can be skinny to medium thick, which have a milder, candy taste.
  • Calabrian chilis or pink pepper flakes: These add a touch of complexity with out making for a spicy dish.
  • Parmesan shavings: The perfect guess right here is shaved Parmesan, versus grated or shredded cheese.
  • Italian panko: Panko is a Japanese-style breadcrumb combination that’s airier and lighter than conventional breadcrumbs. Search for Italian panko: it has additional seasonings added for much more taste.
  • Basil leaves: Contemporary basil provides a recent, peppery taste to the dish.

Find out how to make asparagus pasta: step-by-step

The essential concept? Roast asparagus and lemon wedges, then toss with pasta and a garlic olive oil combination. Right here’s what you’ll want:

Asparagus Pasta Step 1

Step 1: Trim the asparagus and toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, and lemon zest. Place 4 lemon wheels, then the asparagus on a foil lined baking sheet and roast at 425°F for 10 to fifteen minutes, till tender.

Asparagus Pasta Step 2

Step 2: In the meantime, deliver a salted pot of water to a boil and cook dinner the pasta to al dente (style testing a minute or two earlier than the package deal directions point out). Don’t drain. 

Asparagus Pasta Step 3

Step 3: Within the serving bowl, stir collectively olive oil, oregano, garlic and chilis. Use tongs to switch the cooked pasta from the water to the bowl with out draining. Toss with the olive oil combination, then add the roasted asparagus.

High with the Parmesan shavings and panko. Add basil leaves and serve instantly.

Asparagus Pasta on dish with breadcrumbs and basil.

Suggestions for utilizing Italian panko

“Italian panko” means herbs and salt are added. You need to have the ability to discover Italian panko or panko simply at your native grocery retailer. Should you solely have plain panko, add a pinch of salt, and dried oregano or basil (non-compulsory). For gluten-free, search for gluten-free panko on-line.

Methods to serve asparagus pasta

Crucial factor about serving this asparagus pasta? Pair it with a protein! It’s not loaded with protein, so that you’ll wish to add in a vegetarian, fish or meat protein of selection when serving. Listed here are a number of concepts:

Storing leftovers

This pasta tastes finest the day it’s made, however leftovers last as long as 2 days refrigerated.

Lemon asparagus pasta recipe

Extra asparagus recipes

‘Tis the season! Load up on recipes starring the inexperienced spears whereas it abounds in grocery shops. Listed here are a number of extra asparagus recipes to attempt:

Dietary notes

This lemon asparagus pasta recipe is vegetarian. For gluten-free, use gluten-free pasta and panko.

Can I exploit a special kind of pasta?

Completely! Whereas tagliatelle is proven, however you should use lengthy shapes like linguine or bucatini, or quick shapes like rigatoni or penne.

I don’t have recent basil. What can I exploit as a substitute?

Contemporary parsley is a good substitute for the basil. You may additionally attempt recent mint or dill.


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Craving a seasonal pasta dish? This asparagus pasta recipe pairs lemony roasted asparagus with a light-weight sauce, recent basil, and Parmesan for a simple dinner made in half-hour.

For the asparagus

  • 1 pound skinny asparagus spears, reduce into 2” items
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • Contemporary floor black pepper
  • 1 lemon (zest from half, plus slices from the opposite half)

For the pasta

  • 8 ounces tagliatelle or fettuccine
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, grated
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
  • ⅛ teaspoon chopped Calabrian chilis or ¼ teaspoon pink pepper flakes
  • ¼ cup Parmesan shavings
  • 2 tablespoons Italian seasoned panko
  • ¼ cup recent basil leaves, for garnish

  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C).
  2. Roast the asparagus: Lower off the robust backside ends of the asparagus and reduce it into 2” items. Add the stalks to a foil-lined baking sheet. Drizzle the asparagus with the olive oil, and add the kosher salt and some grinds of black pepper.
  3. Slice the lemon in half crosswise. Thinly slice 4 wheels from one half of the lemon, then add them to the baking sheet. Zest the opposite half of the lemon, sprinkle it onto the asparagus and blend along with your fingers to coat. Bake 10 to fifteen minutes, till tender when pierced by a fork on the thickest half. The timing will rely on the thickness of the asparagus spears.
  4. Cook dinner the pasta: In the meantime, deliver a salted pot of water to a boil and cook dinner the pasta to al dente (style testing a minute or two earlier than the package deal directions point out). Don’t drain. 
  5. Within the serving bowl, stir collectively the olive oil, oregano, grated garlic and chilis. When the pasta is finished, use tongs to switch the pasta from the boiling water into the bowl with the oil combination with out draining. Toss with the olive oil combination till coated. Add the roasted asparagus and toss. (If desired, switch to a serving platter or particular person plates.)
  6. High with the Parmesan shavings and panko. Add basil leaves and serve instantly. 


Storing leftovers: This pasta tastes finest the day it’s made, however leftovers last as long as 2 days refrigerated.

  • Class: Fundamental dish
  • Methodology: Roasted
  • Delicacies: Greens
  • Weight loss program: Vegetarian

Key phrases: Asparagus pasta, pasta with asparagus, asparagus pasta recipe

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