
25 High Tequila Cocktails – A Couple Cooks

Listed below are the highest tequila cocktails! These drinks have one thing for everybody, from the basic margarita to the Mexican mule, tequila dawn, and extra.

Tequila cocktail in glass with lime wedge and salt rim.

Acquired a bottle of tequila to make use of up? Tequila is rapidly changing into one of many finest promoting liquors in America. It’s finest recognized for the margarita, however tequila is extraordinarily versatile and stars in lots of basic cocktails.

This Mexican liquor created from the agave plant is at dwelling in basic drinks just like the margarita, Paloma, and Mexican mule. But it surely’s equally as tasty in a 1920’s model bitter cocktail just like the Tequila Bitter, or a Bloody Maria, a spin on the Bloody Mary. With so many tasty combined drinks to attempt…let’s begin mixing! Wish to begin easy? Attempt these 2 Ingredient Tequila Drinks.

And now: the highest tequila cocktails to attempt!

Kinds of tequila

The key to the finest tequila cocktails? Purchase a superb tequila! A cocktail is simply pretty much as good because the alcohol you utilize. Search for a mid-price vary tequila (or a excessive finish one, in case your funds permits). You should purchase both blanco or reposado, relying on the drink. Right here’s the distinction between these sorts of tequila and when to make use of them:

  • Tequila blanco (or “new” tequila) has been aged lower than 2 months and has a robust, easy taste. Use in simple drinks just like the Tequila Dawn or Frozen Margarita.
  • Tequila reposado (“rested” in Spanish) is aged longer, from 2 to 12 months. It has a extra nuanced taste, with notes of oak and vanilla. Use in elegant drinks just like the Traditional Margarita or Cadillac Margarita.


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Mix tequila and grapefruit and also you’ve received the basic Mexican paloma cocktail! Right here’s the right way to make this tangy and refreshing drink.

  • 2 ounces tequila blanco
  • 2 ounces grapefruit juice
  • ½ ounce lime juice
  • ½ ounce easy syrup
  • 1 ounce soda water
  • Flaky sea salt and grapefruit wedge, for the garnish

  1. Lower a notch within the grapefruit wedge, then run the grapefruit across the rim of a glass. Dip the sting of the rim right into a plate of flaky sea salt.
  2. To the glass, add the tequila, grapefruit juice, lime juice, syrup and stir till mixed.
  3. Fill the glass with ice (clear ice if you wish to get fancy!). High with soda water and serve!

  • Class: Drink
  • Methodology: Stirred
  • Delicacies: Cocktails
  • Weight loss program: Vegan

Key phrases: Tequila Cocktails, Tequila Drinks

Extra sorts of cocktails

There are such a lot of extra nice cocktail recipes to attempt! Listed below are a few of our greatest drink collections:

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