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Vegan Asparagus Soup | Kara Lydon

Prepared in simply 35 minutes, this vegan asparagus soup is wealthy and creamy with none dairy! Made with contemporary asparagus, potatoes, lemon and dill, this soup is filled with shiny taste.bowl of vegan asparagus soup garnished with two pieces of chopped asparagus and freshly chopped parsley.

Why I Love This Recipe

Spring is correct across the nook and this creamy soup is the right meal to transition into the brand new season. 

It’s refreshing, shiny, and blended to creamy perfection with no added dairy.

Need to know the key to getting that creamy, easy texture with out heavy cream? Potatoes! Meals which might be greater in starch, like potatoes, act as a pure thickening agent when damaged down.

Talking of veggies, asparagus is seasonal through the spring months, that means you’re probably buying it across the time that it was harvested. In different phrases, it’s contemporary, extra flavorful, loaded with vitamins, and infrequently inexpensive than different veggies that aren’t in season. Profitable throughout!

I like how simply this soup comes collectively too – a fast prep of the veggies, a fast sauté, a fast simmer, a fast mix, and voila you’ve received a scrumptious soup in about 35 minutes. 

When the temps are simply slowly beginning to heat up and also you aren’t completely prepared to surrender soup season, asparagus soup has your again.

Elements You’ll Want

graphic of ingredients for vegan asparagus soup on marble surface with black text overlay.

Notes on Elements

asparagus: glorious supply of fiber and a number of other nutritional vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, C, Ok, and folate. I at all times use contemporary asparagus on this recipe since they lend one of the best taste, however frozen might additionally work. 

olive oil: used to sauté the onion and garlic.

onion: I like to make use of a yellow onion, however white additionally works. 

garlic: versatile fragrant that packs within the taste. 

Yukon Gold potatoes: have a pure buttery taste and contribute to the soup’s mild, creamy consistency. Russet potatoes, with rather less moisture and extra starch than Yukon Gold, would additionally make an amazing potato selection.

salt and pepper: important for taste.

vegetable broth: can substitute for mushroom broth or hen broth. Hen broth would not make the recipe vegan and vegetarian although.

lemon juice and zest: present a pop of acidity, making the soup refreshing and shiny. 

dijon mustard: provides a tangy, sharp taste with a little bit of spice and pairs effectively with the lemon juice.

contemporary dill: has a tangy, contemporary taste.

Tools You’ll Want (affiliate hyperlinks – when you make a purchase order I obtain a small fee)

Dutch oven


Learn how to Make Vegan Asparagus Soup

step by step graphic of how to make vegan asparagus soup


  1. Sauté the aromatics. Warmth olive oil over medium warmth then add onion and sauté till translucent, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and prepare dinner till aromatic, about 1 minute. 
  2. Add veggies and season. Add asparagus, potatoes, salt and pepper. 
  3. Simmer. Add broth and produce to a boil then scale back warmth to simmer till potatoes are fork tender, about quarter-hour. 
  4. Add remaining elements. Take away from warmth and add lemon juice, lemon zest, dijon mustard, and dill.
  5. Mix. Utilizing an immersion blender or high-speed blender, mix till pureed and desired consistency is reached.
  6. Serve. Serve sizzling with further dill or parsley as a garnish and extra salt or pepper, to style. I additionally like to serve this soup alongside a bit of crusty bread or a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Skilled Suggestions

  1. For a thicker soup, you may scale back the quantity of broth used to three – 3 1/2 cups. 
  2. Should you like your soup with a bit extra texture, you may take a few of the asparagus out earlier than mixing. After mixing, chop them up, add them again in and stir. 
  3. Dill can simply by substituted for quite a few contemporary herbs like basil, parsley or mint.
two white speckled bowls of vegan asparagus soup garnished with chopped asparagus and parsley beside a kitchen towel

Storage and Preparation

Asparagus Soup leftovers might be saved in an hermetic container within the fridge for as much as 3-4 days. To reheat on the stovetop, use a small saucepan and warmth over medium-low till reaches desired temperature.

To reheat within the microwave, use a microwave-safe bowl and reheat for 1-3 minutes, relying on the microwave. 

Leftovers may also be saved in an hermetic container within the freezer for as much as 3 months. Let defrost within the fridge in a single day earlier than reheating.

Recipes That Pair Effectively

Air Fryer Garlic Bread

Grilled Cauliflower Hummus Sandwich

Blackened Scallops

Hen Pesto Flatbread

vegan asparagus soup in two white speckled bowls beside two silver spoons, a kitchen towel, and artisan bread

For extra asparagus inspiration, take a look at my different recipes beneath!

Charred Asparagus Salad with Egg

Asparagus Mushroom Galette 

Asparagus Leek Quiche

Straightforward Shrimp Pesto Pasta with Asparagus and Solar-Dried Tomato

Should you like this recipe, please you should definitely remark and provides it a 5 star ranking beneath. Should you make it, share it on Instagram and tag me @karalydonrd and I’ll re-share it with my followers! If you wish to save this recipe for later, you should definitely pin it on Pinterest!

Don’t ever miss a recipe! Signal as much as obtain my month-to-month publication with a round-up of recipes from the earlier month and get my FREE information if you enrollRediscover the Pleasure in Consuming: 5 Easy Steps to Cease Stressing Over Meals + Get pleasure from Each Chunk


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Prepared in simply 35 minutes, this vegan asparagus soup is wealthy and creamy with none dairy! Made with contemporary asparagus, potatoes, lemon and dill, this soup is filled with shiny taste.

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 medium or 1/2 giant onion, diced (1 1/3 cups)
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 lbs asparagus, ends trimmed, and lower into 1-inch items
  • 2 medium Yukon Gold potatoes, lower into small cubes (about 2 cups)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (from 1/2 lemon)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest (from 1 lemon)
  • 1 tablespoon dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup chopped contemporary dill

  1. In a big pot or dutch oven, warmth oil over medium warmth. Add onion and sauté till translucent, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and prepare dinner till aromatic, about 1 minute.
  2. Add asparagus, potatoes, salt and pepper.
  3. Add broth and produce to a boil.
  4. Cut back warmth to simmer till potatoes are fork tender, about quarter-hour.
  5. Take away from warmth and add lemon juice, lemon zest, dijon mustard, and dill.
  6. Mix, utilizing an immersion blender or switch soup to a excessive velocity blender, till pureed.
  7. Serve sizzling with further dill or parsley as a garnish and extra salt or pepper, to style.


  1. For an additional thick soup, scale back broth to three to three 1/2 cups.
  2. I used dill on this recipe however you would substitute for quite a few contemporary herbs like basil, parsley or mint.
  3. Should you like your soup with a bit extra texture, you may take a few of the asparagus out earlier than mixing. After mixing, chop them up, add them again in and stir.
  4. You may substitute Yukon Gold potatoes with Russet potatoes.

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook dinner Time: 25 minutes
  • Class: Soup
  • Technique: Stovetop
  • Delicacies: American

Key phrases: vegan asparagus soup, vegan asparagus soup with potato

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