
Spinach Quinoa Lasagna Casserole – Match Foodie Finds

Do that mild and nourishing Spinach Quinoa Lasagna Casserole for a no-hassle, protein-packed dinner that’s sans gluten and full of a lot taste! 

Made multi function casserole dish, this wholesome spin on the basic consolation meals is great for simple meal prep and busy nights while you’re hangry and need the oven to do all of the give you the results you want.

Try this lightened spinach quinoa lasagna casserole for a no-hassle, protein-packed dinner that's sans gluten and filled with so much flavor!

Featured Remark

“Loooove this casserole! Such nice flavors and likewise nice for meal prepping! I like so as to add somewhat further marinara after I reheat the leftovers too. A lot yum! Thanks!” – Larissa

This quinoa lasagna casserole was one of many first quinoa casseroles we ever posted on Match Foodie Finds (2016, omg!). Actually, it’s what made me fall in love with quinoa within the first place. I really like this simple vegetarian meal as a result of there’s no precooking concerned. Ain’t no one bought time to precook quinoa for a casserole — I don’t, anyway! The tomato sauce on this casserole rocks, and it tastes even higher the following day! We combined marinara with cottage cheese and ricotta cheese to make it tacky, wealthy, and flavorful. 

A fast rundown: To make this lasagna dish, simply prep your veggies and assemble them within the casserole dish. Then add a layer of quinoa, then the marinara-cottage cheese combination, and blend all of it collectively earlier than baking.

What’s You Want for this Quinoa Lasagna Casserole

  • White quinoa: I’ve examined this recipe with each white and crimson quinoa and I choose white. I discover that crimson quinoa has extra of a “chunk.”
  • Veggies: We used a mixture of bella mushrooms, contemporary spinach, and yellow onion so as to add a ton of taste and vitamins to this lasagna dish. 
  • Marinara sauce: For our lazy lady lasagna, we used store-bought pasta sauce. It’s simple and scrumptious! You may additionally make your individual for those who’re feeling formidable. 
  • Cheese: We lightened up the cheese sauce through the use of half 1% cottage cheese. I went for the full-fat ricotta as a result of the nonfat variety tastes actually unhealthy, and that simply isn’t the purpose! (my private opinion.) When you don’t thoughts non-fat ricotta, go for it!
  • Tomatoes sliced: We love including contemporary tomatoes to our lasagna for further shade and texture. Non-obligatory, however extremely beneficial!
Try this lightened spinach quinoa lasagna casserole for a no-hassle, protein-packed dinner that's sans gluten and filled with so much flavor!

Straightforward Ingredient Swaps & Add-Ins

This vegetarian lasagna might be simply personalized to your liking. As an example, you possibly can omit or use another veggie of your alternative. Zucchini slices, bell peppers, and eggplant would all be scrumptious choices!

You too can high the casserole with contemporary basil, contemporary mozzarella cheese, or parmesan cheese if most popular.

FAQ for Quinoa Lasagna Casserole

Does the quinoa should be cooked earlier than going right into a casserole dish?

Nope! We used raw quinoa on this recipe, making it a straightforward one-dish meal. The quinoa lasagna will prepare dinner completely whereas baking within the oven.

How are you aware when quinoa is completed?

You’ll know when the quinoa is completed when it turns into translucent and the white spiral-like germ separates from every grain. It also needs to be smooth and never crunchy. 

Are you able to make this recipe with common quinoa?

We haven’t examined this recipe with common quinoa, so strive it at your individual threat! The cooking time could range. We extremely suggest utilizing sprouted quinoa for the very best taste and texture.

Try this lightened spinach quinoa lasagna casserole for a no-hassle, protein-packed dinner that's sans gluten and filled with so much flavor!

The way to Retailer + Freeze

To retailer, place your casserole in an hermetic container, corresponding to a glass pyrex, for as much as 5 days within the fridge.

To freeze, we propose baking this in a disposable/aluminum casserole dish. Place a chunk of plastic wrap on high of the cooked, cooled casserole and press out the entire air. Then, wrap the complete casserole in tin foil and place it within the freezer for as much as 3 months.

To reheat, let it thaw fully after which reheat within the oven at 400ºF for like 20 minutes or till the sauce begins to bubble!

A slice of quinoa lasagna on a plate with a fork.

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