
Simple Udon Noodle Bowl with Kimchi

This Simple Udon Noodle Bowl with Kimchi is an easy wholesome one-dish meal that may be whipped up in 20 minutes! This bowl meal is flavorful and full of vitamins, because of chard, tofu, and hearty udon noodles. Plus, this entree calls upon the flavour of the Korean traditional, fermented kimchi (kimchee), to offer it a spicy-sour kick of taste that utterly powers this recipe. Whereas I’m not an skilled in Korean foodways, I really recognize this stunning, plant-based meals custom and known as upon a number of conventional elements on this recipe. If you wish to be taught extra about this conventional weight-reduction plan, try the work of my pal and colleague, Maggie Moon, who’s a Korean American meals and vitamin skilled.

Kimchi Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl

Give this utterly vegan Simple Udon Noodle Bowl with Kimchi a strive! If you happen to don’t have chard, you possibly can swap it with any hardy inexperienced, resembling spinach, kale, or mustard greens. What about udon vs soba noodles on this recipe? Whilst you can simply substitute soba noodles for udon noodles, the primary distinction is that udon noodles are created from wheat and they’re sometimes softer and thicker noodles, whereas soba noodles are created from buckwheat and are a bit thinner.

Kimchi Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl

Vitamin Notes

This easy noodle bowl recipe is full of vitamin, compliments of tofu, greens, kimchi, and udon noodles. You’ll get an excellent supply of plant protein, carbs, fiber, minerals, nutritional vitamins, and phytochemicals on this meal in a bowl. One other nice plus for this nutritionally balanced meal is that it contains fermented meals by the use of kimchi, which is a good wholesome addition to your weight-reduction plan for selling a wholesome intestine microbiota, which may increase your immune system and digestive well being. This recipe does comprise gluten, however by swapping rice or soba noodles for udon noodles you may make it gluten-free.

What’s Kimchi?

Kimchi is a conventional Korean fermented vegetable dish utilizing napa cabbage or Korean radish and seasonings, resembling gochugaru, inexperienced onions, garlic, and ginger. eat kimchi? What to eat Kimchi with? Kimchi is usually used as along with soups and stews, and it’s scrumptious as a condiment for quite a few recipes, resembling dumplings and rice. What does kimchi style like? It has a fermented bitter style, together with a spicy kick from the elements together with within the kimchee recipe. The place to purchase kimchi? I can discover it in most properly stocked supermarkets as we speak, and you’ll undoubtedly discover it in Asian markets. It’s saved within the refrigerated part.

Step-by-Step Information:

Select your favourite udon noodles out of your market or on-line.
Prepare dinner in line with package deal instructions in boiling water simply till cooked. Don’t overcook.
Rinse and drain noodles and put aside.
Chop onions, carrots, and celery and grate garlic and ginger.
Kimchi Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl
Sauté greens in sesame oil for a couple of minutes, add water and proceed to stir-fry till crisp tender.
Kimchi Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl
Dice tofu and add to greens, together with coconut milk.
Kimchi Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl
Slice chard and add to greens.
Slice kimchi and add to greens, together with peanuts.
Kimchi Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl
Warmth for a few minutes, till heated via.
Kimchi Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl
Dish up, garnish with chili oil as desired, and revel in!

Kimchi Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl


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Kimchi offers a wholesome kick to this vegan Simple Udon Noodle Bowl with Kimchi crammed with the goodness of udon noodles, chard, veggies, and tofu. Get it on the desk in 20 minutes. Make it gluten-free by swapping out the noodles for gluten-free rice or soba noodles.

  • 1 (9.5-ounce) package deal udon noodles
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 2 medium carrots, sliced
  • 2 stalks celery, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 (15-ounce) package deal additional agency tofu, cubed
  • 1 cup canned mild coconut milk, stir properly
  • 3 tablespoons decreased sodium, gluten-free soy sauce
  • 1 small bunch Swiss chard, sliced
  • 1 cup ready spicy kimchi, chopped*
  • ¼ cup peanuts

Garnish (non-obligatory):

  1. Convey a medium pot of water to boil, and prepare dinner noodles in line with package deal instructions (don’t overcook). Rinse in chilly water and put aside.
  2. In the meantime, warmth sesame oil in a wok.
  3. Add onion, carrots, celery, ginger and garlic and stir-fry for 3 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons water and proceed to stir-fry for about 7 minutes, till crisp tender.
  4. Add tofu, coconut milk, soy sauce, swiss chard, kimchi, peanuts, and cooked, drained noodles. Stir-fry for an extra 2 minutes, simply till chard is wilted however nonetheless vibrant inexperienced and combination is heated via.
  5. Garnish with chili oil and cilantro, if desired.
  6. Makes 6 servings (about 1 2/3 cups every).


*Search for ready kimchi within the refrigerated part of specialty markets, resembling pure meals shops and Asian supermarkets.

To make this recipe gluten-free, substitute gluten-free noodles, resembling rice noodles.

Learn to press tofu right here.

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Prepare dinner Time: 13 minutes
  • Class: Entree
  • Delicacies: Asian


  • Serving Dimension: 1 2/3 cup
  • Energy: 323
  • Sugar: 3 g
  • Sodium: 366 mg
  • Fats: 13 g
  • Saturated Fats: 4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 38 g
  • Fiber: 3 g
  • Protein: 15 g

Key phrases: vegan Asian dish, vegan Asian recipe, vegan Asian dinner

For extra noodle dishes, try a few of my favorites:

Noodle Bowl with Thai Tofu and Greens
Thai Tempeh Noodle Skillet
Vegan Pho with Tofu
Soba Noodles Seaweed Salad
Simple Soba Noodles with Peanuts and Seitan
Shirataki Noodle Salad with Ginger Sesame Dressing

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