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Cialis Fiyat

Mushroom Stroganoff (Vegetarian) – Match Foodie Finds

Creamy mushroom stroganoff is what desires are made from. The flavour combo between the mushrooms and savory stroganoff sauce is unbelievable.

This mushroom stroganoff recipe is made with hearty mushrooms, Greek yogurt/bitter cream, broth, and contemporary thyme which might be folded in with egg noodles to create essentially the most comforting dinner.

Mushroom stroganoff on a plate.

Everybody has that one meal that they select after they crave consolation meals and stroganoff does it for me! I’m obsessive about the flavour of umami and this vegetarian stroganoff is a should you’re something like me.

Usually I wish to make considered one of our beef stroganoff recipes for my household as a result of my husband is a giant meat eater, however I like that this can be a vegetarian take. Plus, it solely takes half-hour!

We additionally made this stroganoff sauce additional particular by utilizing Greek yogurt as an alternative of bitter cream so as to add a lift of protein.

What’s in mushroom stroganoff sauce?

Stroganoff sauce is historically made with bitter cream and a roux, which is a mix of butter, flour, and milk or broth. Most stroganoff sauces have onion, mushrooms (even beef stroganoff), and Worcestershire sauce.

We went with a extra nutritious model of a creamy and scrumptious sauce for this mushroom stroganoff with triple the quantity of mushrooms and Greek yogurt as an alternative of bitter cream. Right here’s what else you want:

  • Vegetable broth – we’ve made this recipe utilizing beef broth (which isn’t vegetarian) and that additionally works, too. 
  • Yellow onion – white onion or shallt works too.
  • Garlic – garlic is a should for this sauce. It provides a lot savory taste.
  • Mushrooms – Mushrooms are the star of the present. Scroll all the way down to see which of them we suggest.
  • Worcestershire sauce – somewhat little bit of vinegar actually helps deliver out all the umami flavors.
  • Greek yogurt or bitter cream – we have now used each yogurt and bitter cream. So, be at liberty to make use of whichever you need.
  • Flour – flour helps thicken the sauce. We used white complete wheat flour, however all-purpose flours works too.

What sort of mushrooms do you have to use?

There is no such thing as a rule on what sort of mushrooms to make use of on this mushroom stroganoff recipe. We used a mix of Bella mushrooms, white mushrooms, and shiitake mushrooms.

Be at liberty to experiment with any form of mushrooms that you just’d like akin to portobello!

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Mushroom stroganoff ingredients on a cutting board.


If you happen to’re wanting so as to add extra sustenance or veggies to your stroganoff, we’re right here to inform you that may be a nice thought. Sauté different greens with the mushrooms if you add the onions into the pan. Listed here are some concepts:

  • Peas
  • Carrot
  • Potatoes
  • Shallot

You may also add any form of protein to this dish. We’ve made it with floor beef and flank steak, however rooster or floor turkey work too.

desire a extra conventional stroganoff sauce?

We’re large followers of Greek yogurt, however you’re greater than welcome to swap it out for bitter cream, which is rather more conventional. You may even go 50/50 Greek yogurt and bitter cream. Your selection!

Sautéd mushrooms in a fry pan.

Mushroom Stroganoff FAQ

How do you thicken mushroom stroganoff?

We used flour to thicken this mushroom stroganoff as we discovered the style is significantly better than a corn starch slurry.

Can I substitute milk for bitter cream in mushroom stroganoff?

The perfect substitute for bitter cream (which is utilized in conventional stroganoff) is Greek yogurt, not milk. Greek yogurt has the identical tang and thickness as bitter cream.

How do I make mushroom stroganoff gluten-free?

To make mushroom stroganoff gluten-free, use gluten-free pasta and gluten-free all-purpose flour for thickening.

Is that this stroganoff vegan?

This recipe isn’t vegan or dairy-free as a result of it requires Greek yogurt or bitter cream. It’s, nonetheless, vegetarian.

Mushroom stroganoff slurry in a pyrex.


Let stroganoff cool utterly. Then, switch into an hermetic container and retailer for as much as 3-5 days.

Are you able to freeze stroganoff?

As a result of stroganoff is a noodle-based dish, we don’t suggest freezing it as a result of the noodles will probably get soggy.

Stirring Greek yogurt into mushroom stroganoff sauce.
Mushroom stroganoff on a plate.

Serving Ideas

Since mushroom stroganoff is a well-rounded meal in itself, we sometimes serve this in a bowl with a bit of sourdough. Nevertheless, in case you may serve it subsequent to extra veggies akin to sautéed inexperienced beans or air fryer broccoli.

mushroom risotto in a bowl with a fork.

Mushroom Stroganoff Recipe

Our vegetarian mushroom stroganoff is made with hearty mushrooms, Greek yogurt, broth, and contemporary thyme which might be folded in with egg noodles to create essentially the most comforting dinner!

Prep:15 minutes

Cook dinner:20 minutes

Whole:35 minutes

Fats 14

Carbs 14

Protein 10


  • 10 oz. huge egg noodles
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil separated
  • 20 oz. combined mushrooms thinly sliced (we used portobello and white mushrooms)
  • 1/2 massive white onion diced
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt separated
  • 1/2 teaspoon floor pepper
  • 2 cups vegetable broth separated (or any sort)
  • 3 tablespoons white complete wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup 2% Greek Yogurt possibility to make use of bitter cream as an alternative


  • Comply with the package deal directions on the again of your egg noodles and produce a big pot of salted water to a boil. Add egg noodles. 

  • Let the egg noodles prepare dinner till they’re al dente after which pressure the water from the noodles.

  • Rinse the noodles with chilly water and set them apart. 

  • Subsequent, warmth a big skillet (or Dutch oven) over medium-high warmth and add  3 tablespoons olive oil. 

  • When the olive oil is aromatic, add all the mushrooms and 1/4 teaspoon of salt to the pan and switch the warmth to medium/low warmth. 

  • Let the mushrooms sauté for 6-8 minutes, tossing them each 3-4 minutes. 

  • Add 1 extra tablespoon of olive oil to the mushrooms in addition to the onion and garlic. Combine all the things collectively and sauté for a further 2-3 minutes. 

  • Whereas the greens are cooking, add the flour to 1 cup of broth and whisk till the flour is generally dissolved. 

  • Flip the warmth to medium-high warmth and slowly pour the flour and broth combination into the pan and whisk persistently till the combination thickens. 

  • Take away the stroganoff from the warmth and let it cool for only a minute in order that the Greek yogurt doesn’t curdle if you add it in. Then, slowly add the remainder of the broth, Greek yogurt, pepper, and contemporary thyme to the pan and blend till mixed. 

  • Carry the combination to a boil after which flip to low warmth. 

  • Fold the egg noodles into the mushroom stroganoff sauce and let the combination warmth over low warmth till the noodles are sizzling and able to eat. 

Ideas & Notes

  • Salt the mushrooms: It’s important you don’t skimp on the oil or the salt. The salt helps to attract the moisture out of mushrooms.
  • Begin sautéing the mushrooms on medium warmth, not excessive warmth. You need to slowly sauté at first after which brown the mushrooms on medium-high warmth for the previous few minutes to brown them.
  • Attempt to not push the mushrooms round an excessive amount of within the pan. Let the mushrooms sit and seep their liquid.
  • You understand when the mushrooms are prepared when they’re nonetheless plump, however golden brown.

Vitamin information

Energy: 217kcal Carbohydrates: 14g Protein: 10g Fats: 14g Fiber: 3g Sugar: 5g

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