
Inside The Brains Of Superagers: Individuals 100+ Share These Traits

A brand new examine of 340 wholesome Dutch centenarians1 dwelling independently finds they “skilled no decline in main cognitive measures, apart from a slight loss in reminiscence perform” akin to what one would possibly anticipate in the event that they had been of their seventies. A few of the studied centenarians, actually, had brains that appeared very wholesome, they usually carried out at a excessive stage on cognitive assessments. Others who died with no discernible degradation of their reminiscences or their talents to narrate to others and remedy issues had their brains examined, and right here’s the place it will get wild: Their grey matter was as marred and scarred as that seen in individuals who die with superior Alzheimer’s, but their mind perform was by no means compromised. And the oldest of those people was 108.

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