
Halloween Margarita – A Couple Cooks

This Halloween Margarita is the perfect drink for the season! Whip up single cocktails or a pitcher for a spooky night.

Halloween Margarita

Right here’s a drink that screams spooky enjoyable: the Halloween Margarita! It would look scary, but it surely tastes like a dream, made with a spiced apple cider syrup, recent lime and tequila. It’s tangy and somewhat candy, balancing the lime and tequila completely. Make it as a single drink, or whip up a pitcher for a celebration! The glass garnishes take it excessive, like DIY black coloured sugar, blood oranges, and some spiders (after all!).

What you want for Halloween margaritas

When you love Halloween like we do, you’ll completely love this drink! This Halloween margarita is right for events as a result of you’ll be able to whip up single drinks to order or make an enormous pitcher. The flavour is completely spiced and nuanced, tangy candy from the apple cider syrup balanced with the chunk of the tequila. It’s completely price whipping up the syrup prematurely as a result of it infuses main taste with out watering down the drink. Listed here are the elements you’ll want for a Halloween margarita:

Apple cider syrup

Making the apple cider syrup

Apple cider syrup is important for the flavour on this drink! Apple cider by itself waters down cocktails as an alternative of including taste. Making the syrup is what infuses main taste into the drink, whereas nonetheless permitting the tequila and lime to shine via. Right here’s what to find out about apple cider syrup:

  • It takes half-hour to make. Merely boil apple cider with sugar and a cinnamon stick for about half-hour on the stovetop, till decreased and syrupy.
  • Make a batch prematurely. That is a straightforward element to make prematurely and refrigerate till serving. It shops as much as 2 weeks refrigerated.
  • Make a double batch for a pitcher. When you’re making 8 drinks, make a double batch of the syrup!
Halloween Margarita

Halloween margarita drink garnishes

The perfect a part of a Halloween margarita? The drink garnishes! You will get artistic with your individual concepts, or you should use what we’ve made up right here. Right here’s what to know:

  • Make DIY coloured sugar. Seems, you don’t need to exit and purchase drink sugar. You may make your individual! Go to our DIY coloured sugar tutorial and comply with the directions for the black sugar. Or, you may make totally different colours like orange or purple!
  • When you desire, make a salt rim. It additionally tastes nice with a salt rim. (In principle, you possibly can use the identical directions as the coloured sugar for salt: we simply haven’t tried it! You’ll wish to use flaky or kosher salt, not superb salt.)
  • Use an orange slice and festive cocktail picks. These Halloween cocktail picks (aka cupcake toppers) actually set the tone! We used a blood orange slice to lock our cocktail picks, as a result of Halloween! However if you happen to can’t discover them, an everyday orange will do.

Notes on clear ice

Whereas it’s not required, clear ice is the ultimate element that makes for the perfect Halloween Margarita! Clear ice is crystal clear ice that makes a drink appear to be it got here from a flowery bar. You’ll be able to minimize it into giant, natural chunks to take your cocktails to the following degree.

Colored sugar

Make a Halloween margarita pitcher for a celebration

When you’re having a Halloween celebration, make a Halloween margarita pitcher! It’s simple to make 8 drinks without delay and comes collectively shortly. See the directions within the recipe under.

Occasion tip: Be certain that to have all of your drink rims and garnishes prepped prematurely. Then you’ll be able to add ice and pour within the drinks instantly earlier than serving. Keep away from putting the ice within the glass beforehand, because the melting ice may cause the meals coloring within the coloured sugar to soften.

Halloween margaritas

Extra Halloween drinks

Need extra concepts for spooky drinks? Listed here are a number of Halloween cocktails we love:


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This Halloween Margarita is the perfect drink for the season! Whip up single cocktails or a pitcher for a spooky night.

For the Halloween margarita

For the apple cider syrup (makes ¾ cup)

  • 4 cups apple cider
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 4 cinnamon sticks

  1. Make the apple cider syrup: Place the apple cider, granulated sugar and cinnamon sticks in a saucepan. Carry to a low boil, then keep a low boil for 30 to 35 minutes till decreased to ¾ cup. Use instantly or refrigerate till utilizing (shops as much as 2 weeks refrigerated).
  2. Put together the glass: Reduce a notch in a lime wedge, then run the lime across the rim of a glass. Dip the sting of the rim right into a plate of salt or black coloured sugar.
  3. Make a single drink: Place all components in a cocktail shaker with 4 ice cubes and shake till chilly.
  4. Serve: Pressure the margarita into the glass with the salted rim. Fill the glass with clear ice. If desired, garnish with a blood orange slice and Halloween cocktail picks.
  5. For a margarita pitcher (8 servings): Place 2 cups tequila, 1 cup apple cider syrup (make 1.5 or 2 occasions the recipe above!) and ½ cup lime juice in a pitcher. Add 3 handfuls ice and stir till chilly. Pour into the ready glasses.

  • Class: Cocktail
  • Technique: No Prepare dinner
  • Delicacies: Cocktails
  • Weight loss program: Vegan

Key phrases: Halloween margarita

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