
Finest Oatmeal Recipe – A Couple Cooks

This grasp oatmeal recipe reveals easy methods to make it on the stovetop or microwave! It’s simple to make this healthful breakfast.

Oatmeal recipe

Right here’s a hearty entire grain that makes the perfect simple and wholesome breakfast: oatmeal! We eat copious quantities of these things in our family. What’s the perfect, best method to make it? Right here’s our grasp recipe: precisely easy methods to make oatmeal on the stovetop and within the microwave! I’m not joking once I say this will get made a number of occasions per day in our home (the microwave model), and after we’re considering forward we make an enormous batch to eat off of all week. Right here’s easy methods to make the perfect oatmeal round!

Varieties of oats

There are two major forms of oats you should utilize to make oatmeal: rolled oats or metal minimize oats. A giant pot of conventional oatmeal is finest with Outdated Usual oats. Right here’s a breakdown:

  • Rolled oats: Rolled oats are entire oat grains which might be pressed flat with rollers. That is what you’ll sometimes consider if you consider oatmeal. There are a couple of forms of rolled oats:
    • Outdated Usual oats: These are entire, round oats. They supply probably the most texture and are the perfect desire for a pot of oatmeal.
    • Fast cooking oats or On the spot oats: These oats are rolled thinner and cook dinner quicker than Outdated Usual, however they’ve powdery texture and may change into mushy when cooked. Use them solely in a pinch.
  • Metal minimize oats: Metal minimize oats are entire grain oats which might be minimize into nubs: they seem like brown rice or barley. These oats take half-hour to cook dinner, and have a really chewy texture. Keep away from utilizing them on this recipe, since they require completely different directions: go to this Metal Minimize Oats recipe.

Learn how to make oatmeal: on the stovetop

Making this oatmeal recipe on the stovetop it fast and easy! This technique makes an enormous pot of creamy, chewy oats with 4 servings. Right here’s what to do (or bounce to the recipe beneath):

  1. Carry 4 cups water to a boil in a big saucepan. Stir in 2 cups oats and ¾ teaspoon every kosher salt and cinnamon.
  2. Cut back the warmth to medium. Prepare dinner for about 6 to 7 minutes, stirring sometimes, till creamy and the liquid is generally absorbed.
  3. Take away from the warmth and let stand for two minutes, which permits extra liquid to be absorbed. The standing time is necessary, so as to get to the right texture of oats!
How to make oatmeal

Learn how to make oatmeal within the microwave (1 serving)

The microwave technique for easy methods to make oatmeal is our favourite, we’ll admit! It makes one tasty bowl of deliciously creamy, single serving oats. It’s necessary to make use of a microwave secure bowl with tall sides in order that the oatmeal doesn’t overflow. That is simple to whip up with only a 2 minute cook dinner time!

  1. Place ½ cup oats, ¾ cup water and ⅛ teaspoon every kosher salt and cinnamon in a microwave secure bowl.
  2. Microwave on Excessive for two minutes. If there’s nonetheless a superb quantity of liquid, cook dinner 10 to twenty extra seconds.
  3. Stir and permit to face for two minutes to permit the liquid to be absorbed. That’s it!

Oatmeal topping concepts

The sky is the restrict relating to oatmeal toppings! In our opinion, a touch of maple syrup and a drizzle of milk are all it wants. Nevertheless it’s much more enjoyable so as to add some colourful fruit or a swirl of nut butter! Listed here are some oatmeal topping concepts:

Oatmeal recipe

Is oatmeal wholesome? Vitamin information

Sure, oatmeal is a part of a nutritious diet. Listed here are a couple of of the primary dietary advantages of oats (supply):

  • Oats are excessive in plant based mostly protein. 1 cup of uncooked oats have 11 grams protein. That’s about 20% of your each day want!
  • Oats are excessive in fiber. 1 cup of uncooked oats have 8 grams of fiber, which is about 30% of the each day worth.
  • Oats are very filling: they could scale back urge for food and enable you to eat much less energy.

For extra advantages, go to Oats 101: Vitamin Info.

Extra forms of oatmeal recipes

There are tons extra methods to make oatmeal, outdoors of the usual creamy pot of oats! Certainly one of our favorites for weekly breakfasts or entertaining is baked oatmeal, and there’s nothing extra enjoyable than a pot of lovely purple blueberry oatmeal! Listed here are a couple of of our favourite strategies:

This oatmeal recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free and gluten-free.


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This grasp oatmeal recipe reveals easy methods to make it on the stovetop or microwave! It’s simple to make this healthful breakfast.

For stovetop oatmeal (4 servings):

  • 2 cups Outdated Usual rolled oats
  • 4 cups water
  • ¾ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ¾ teaspoon cinnamon
  • Non-obligatory: 1 tablespoon maple syrup

For microwave oatmeal (1 serving): 

  • ½ cup Outdated Usual rolled oats
  • ¾ cup water
  • ⅛ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon

  1. Stovetop oatmeal: Carry the water to a boil in a big saucepan. Stir within the oats, salt and cinnamon. Cut back the warmth to medium. Prepare dinner for about 6 to 7 minutes, stirring sometimes, till creamy and the liquid is generally absorbed. Take away from the warmth and let stand for two minutes, which permits extra liquid to be absorbed (or you may spoon into bowls after which relaxation).
  2. Microwave oatmeal: Place the elements in a microwave secure bowl with tall sides. Microwave on Excessive for two minutes (if there’s nonetheless a superb quantity of liquid, cook dinner 10 to twenty extra seconds). Stir and permit to face for two minutes to permit the liquid to be absorbed. (For a double recipe, double elements and microwave 3.5 minutes.)
  3. Prime with a drizzle of maple syrup, milk, and extra toppings as desired. Serve instantly or refrigerate for as much as 5 days.

  • Class: Breakfast
  • Technique: Stovetop
  • Delicacies: Breakfast
  • Weight loss program: Vegan

Key phrases: Oatmeal recipe, easy methods to make oatmeal

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