
Do Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

How to Do Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Primarily based on the English identify, you would possibly assume that the chair pose in yoga is as simple as sitting down in your favourite recliner. This pose (utkatasana in Sanskrit) mimics the place of sitting in a chair, however for the reason that chair is lacking, you need to depend on the power of your decrease physique to maintain from falling to the bottom.

The truth is, the Sanskrit phrase “utkata” has a variety of meanings, together with fierce, highly effective, and awkward. (The precise translation of utkatasana is definitely “highly effective pose.”) And when executed accurately, utkatasana chair pose is all of these issues mixed, particularly if it’s held for a number of breaths.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana): Step-by-Step Directions

Right here’s the best way to do utkatasana with correct type, so you will get the entire advantages from it and progress in your yoga apply.


  • Stand in mountain pose (tadasana), so your toes are collectively and your heels are barely separated.

Entering into the pose

  • On an inhale, increase your arms above your head subsequent to your ears in order that your palms are going through each other. Then bend your knees to decrease your hips down and again, like you might be sitting in a child-sized chair.


  • Preserve your arms prolonged together with your shoulders press down and biceps by your ears. Preserve your chin barely tucked and your chest lifted to take care of a straight line by your backbone.
  • Bend your knees deeply in order that your thighs are parallel to the mat. Put your weight again into your heels, in order that you would elevate all 10 toes.

Posture Ideas for Chair Pose

  • You probably have tight shoulders or lats, extending the arms could be tough. Simply attain your arms up so far as is feasible.
  • When you look down, you must be capable of see your toes in chair pose. When you can’t, rock your weight again into your heels.
  • Pull your stomach button into your backbone, which can assist take the curve out of your decrease again.

Make Chair Pose Simpler

Woman Holds Easier Variation of Chair Pose | Chair Pose

  • Begin out with a wider stance (about hip width) and don’t bend your knees as a lot.
  • If reaching your arms overhead is tough, you may at all times attain straight out in entrance of you, or deliver your arms collectively in a prayer place (Anjali Mudra) at your chest.

Make Chair Pose Tougher

revolved chair pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

  • Add an higher physique twist for revolved chair pose (parivrtta utkatasana).
  • Bend your knees extra, so that you sit deeper into the pose.
  • As you attain your arms up alongside your ears, contact your palms collectively and gaze as much as the sky as you elevate your chest.
  • Maintain the pose for a number of breaths.

Chair Pose Advantages

  • Strengthens your calves, hamstrings, quads, glutes, hip flexors, and core.
  • Challenges your stability and stability.
  • Helps enhance the vary of movement of your shoulder and higher again muscle groups.

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