
Carrot Cake Espresso Cake – Match Foodie Finds

This Carrot Cake Espresso Cake proves that you just actually CAN mix your two favourite issues. It’s received all of the carrot cake flavors you’re keen on, with that crumbly cinnamon streusel topping signature of espresso cake recipes. The outcome? A deliciously moist carrot espresso cake recipe that makes the right breakfast or straightforward dessert. 

Oat bars on a plate with a napkin.

Typically your morning espresso wants a companion, and this straightforward carrot espresso cake has been a go-to for me recently. The youngsters like it (nearly as a lot as I do!), and we devour it very quickly. Simply make your streusel topping, mix your moist and dry elements, assemble, and bake!

What’s In Carrot Cake Espresso Cake

  • Rolled oats: we added rolled oats to the recipe to offer the crumble topping some further texture.
  • Walnuts: chopped walnuts are additionally added to the topping to create extra texture and taste.
  • Cinnamon: a staple in espresso cake and carrot cake, cinnamon provides heat and depth to the flavour profile.
  • Shredded carrot: shredded carrots add moisture, shade and vitamin to the cake. It’s additionally an effective way to sneak in some veggies for these choosy eaters!
  • Mild brown sugar: we opted for gentle brown sugar on this recipe for its molasses undertones and caramel taste. 
  • Maple syrup: maple syrup provides a contact of pure sweetness and pairs nicely with the opposite flavors on this cake.
  • Almond milk: this non-dairy milk provides moisture and a refined nutty taste to the batter.
A white bowl with a spoon in it.

What You’ll Must Make It

  • 8×8-inch cake pan: be sure to use the proper measurement pan to make sure that the whole lot cooks evenly. This will even preserve the cooking time correct.
  • Electrical mixer: you’ll want an electrical mixer to mix the batter and ensure the whole lot is nicely integrated. A hand mixer or stand mixer will even do the trick.

Variations and Substitutions

Acquired eating regimen restrictions or lacking just a few issues in your pantry? Not an issue! This moist carrot cake espresso cake is kind of forgiving by way of substitutions.

Should you’re allergic to nuts, make this good cake nut-free by omitting the walnuts and including one other ¼ cup of oats.  

Should you’re vegan, swap out the eggs for flax eggs and use coconut oil as a substitute of butter.

Need to make it gluten-free? Merely substitute all-purpose flour with a gluten-free mix. You too can use almond flour, however remember that the feel will likely be barely totally different.

A baking pan filled with granola and granola.

High Ideas for Carrot Cake Espresso Cake

  • Should you can not shred the carrots your self, we suggest roughly chopping already shredded carrots in order that they’re simpler to include into the batter.
  • Don’t overmix the batter. As with most muffins, overmixing may cause a tricky texture and stop the cake from rising correctly.
  • Use room temperature elements. This may assist all of the elements incorporate evenly and create a smoother batter.
Carrot bars with oats and carrots on a cutting board.

Storage + Freezer Instructions

​Place any leftover carrot cake espresso cake in an hermetic container and retailer it at room temperature for as much as 3 days. You possibly can additionally retailer within the fridge for as much as 1 week.

To freeze, wrap the espresso cake tightly in plastic wrap or foil and retailer it in an hermetic container within the freezer for as much as 3 months. When able to eat, thaw at room temperature and reheat within the oven at 350°F for 10-Quarter-hour or till warmed by way of.

A slice of oatmeal cake on a plate next to a cup of coffee.

What to Serve with Carrot Cake Espresso Cake

Serve this scrumptious carrot cake espresso cake heat with a dollop of whipped cream or a drizzle of cream cheese glaze for an additional contact of sweetness. You too can get pleasure from it plain alongside your morning cup of espresso or chai tea.

For an elevated breakfast expertise, serve this carrot cake espresso cake with our Fruit Salad Recipe or a aspect of Good Scrambled Eggs. Whether or not you’re serving it at a brunch or having fun with it as a day snack, this scrumptious espresso cake is certain to be a success!

A slice of oatmeal coffee cake on a plate with a fork.

Carrot Cake Espresso Cake

This carrot cake espresso cake combines the nice and cozy flavors of carrot cake with the crumbly streusel topping of a basic espresso cake. It is easy to make, stuffed with vitamins and can make breakfast and dessert much more scrumptious.

Prep:20 minutes

Cook dinner:40 minutes

Complete:1 hour

Fats 20

Carbs 73

Protein 7


  • Preheat the oven to 350℉ and line an 8×8-inch cake pan with parchment paper. Put aside.

  • Put together the streusel topping. Add the rolled oats, flour, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon, and vanilla extract to a mixing bowl. Use a fork (or your palms work greatest) and lower the elements collectively till a crumble varieties. This may occasionally take a couple of minutes. Set streusel topping apart.

  • Subsequent, add the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and carrot right into a bowl and toss to mix. Put aside.

  • In a separate bowl, cream collectively the brown sugar, vanilla extract, maple syrup, and butter till gentle and fluffy with an electrical mixer.

  • Drizzle the avocado oil into the creamed combination and blend collectively till mixed. Add the eggs and blend to mix. Add ½ cup of milk to the batter.

  • Add the dry elements to the moist and blend to mix. Take away one cup of the batter and switch it to a bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of cinnamon to the 1 cup of batter and stir to mix. The batter with cinnamon needs to be a darker cinnamon shade.

  • Subsequent, pour the big batch of the batter into the cake pan. Then, pour the cinnamon batter on high. Utilizing a knife, swirl the cinnamon batter into the remainder of the batter.

  • Add the streusel topping to the highest of the cake and gently press the streusel into the cake along with your palms. Bake for 20 minutes. If the streusel topping is getting darkish, you’ll be able to cowl it with tin foil. If not, proceed baking for one more 20 minutes.

  • Let the cake cool for Quarter-hour earlier than serving.

Ideas & Notes

  • Make this nut-free by omitting the walnuts and including one other ¼ cup of oats.
  • Should you can not shred the carrots your self, we suggest roughly chopping already shredded carrots.

Vitamin details

Energy: 495kcal Carbohydrates: 73g Protein: 7g Fats: 20g Fiber: 3g Sugar: 37g

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