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Banana Waffles – A Couple Cooks

This straightforward banana waffles recipe transforms ripe bananas right into a golden, fluffy breakfast! Full of heat cinnamon and a burst of fruit, these waffles are begging to be devoured smothered in maple syrup.

Banana waffles

Obtained a ripe banana readily available? Let’s make banana waffles! This recipe is right here for if you’ve bought just one banana on the counter and are questioning the best way to flip it right into a meal. Whisk it up right into a fruity batter spiced with cinnamon, then cook dinner in a waffle maker till golden and crisp. These waffles are completely scrumptious, good topped with a drizzle of maple syrup, just a few banana slices and a dollop of peanut butter.

Elements for this banana waffles recipe

Banana waffles are a good way to remodel a ripe banana right into a meal, which isn’t at all times doable with a lonely banana! Our greatest banana bread requires 4 to five bananas, which isn’t at all times what we now have readily available. For single bananas, waffles to the rescue! Mix the fruit with just a few customary baking substances and also you’ve bought waffles. Right here’s what you’ll want:

  • All function flour: All-purpose flour is our go-to for waffles. In the event you’re in search of gluten-free, go to gluten-free waffles made with almond flour.
  • Baking powder: This leavener makes the waffles gentle and fluffy.
  • Sugar: You should utilize granulated or brown sugar, and even maple syrup or honey. We choose brown sugar right here.
  • Cinnamon: This spice is vital to the nice and cozy taste.
  • Impartial oil: Choices embody grapeseed oil, natural canola or vegetable oil. Utilizing oil omits the necessity to soften butter.
  • Milk of alternative: You should utilize both dairy or non-dairy like oat milk or almond milk to make this recipe dairy-free.
  • Eggs: Two eggs make this waffle recipe come collectively. For vegan, substitute flax eggs.
  • Banana: Use a really ripe banana. The riper the banana, the extra the fruity taste comes by.
Banana Waffles Recipe

Belgian waffles vs customary

This banana waffles recipe works for both Belgian or customary waffles: you’ll get 4 customary or 4 Belgian. Our private choice is Belgian waffles, since they’re thicker and look extra spectacular. Right here’s the Belgian waffle iron we use, which is what we used for these images.

  • Belgian waffles are twice as massive as common waffles. They’re 1 ½ inches thick with a deep grid sample. One serving measurement is half of a Belgian waffle, because it’s double the dimensions of a regular waffle — until you make a half measurement with ruffled edges.
  • Common waffles, aka American waffles are about 1/2-inch thick. They’re half the dimensions of the Belgian waffles, and the serving measurement is 1 waffle.
  • Ruffled edge Belgian waffles: You may make a smaller serving measurement with a Belgian waffle maker. Merely use about ½ cup of the batter in a Belgian waffle maker and don’t unfold it to the sides. You may also do that in a regular waffle maker by utilizing about ¼ cup batter.

The right way to make banana waffles: just a few suggestions!

This banana waffles recipe is so simple as mixing up a fast batter, then frying it in a waffle maker till golden brown. There are just a few useful suggestions for utilizing a waffle maker when you’re a novice:

  • Grease or butter the waffle ironYou should utilize oil with a brush, butter, or coconut oil. Whereas most waffle irons are non-stick, they’ll use their floor over time. Our Belgian waffle maker is just a few years outdated and requires a great greasing: or else the waffle will get caught within the deep grooves.
  • Cook dinner till golden brown, about 3 to 4 minutes. Some waffle makers have a light-weight or sound that tells you when the waffle is cooked. Others don’t (like ours)! Set a timer and begin checking across the 3 minute mark: pull it when it’s good and golden.
  • Place cooked waffles in a 250°F diploma oven to maintain heat. When you’re performed cooking the waffle, serve it straight away. Or, place it on a parchment lined baking sheet and place it in a low oven to chill.
Banana Waffle recipe

Topping concepts

Banana waffles may be topped with absolutely anything! As a result of these waffles are properly seasoned with fruit and cinnamon, we like not getting too complicated on the toppings so you may style the banana taste. Right here’s what we’d advocate:

  • Pure maple syrup is a should; we just like the containers labeled “Grade A: Darkish Colour and Strong Style”
  • Banana slices are a pleasant approach to convey out the banana taste much more
  • Nut butter like peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, or sunflower butter is an effective pairing
  • Whipped cream or flippantly sweetened Greek yogurt
  • Powdered sugar

Tell us what you propose to make use of for toppings within the feedback under. Any questions? Tell us there, too!

Extra banana breakfast recipes

There are such a lot of inventive methods to make use of bananas in on a regular basis meals, and particularly enjoyable banana breakfast recipes! Listed below are just a few extra recipes you’ll wish to attempt:

This banana waffles recipe is…

Vegetarian and dairy-free.


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This straightforward banana waffles recipe transforms ripe bananas right into a golden, fluffy breakfast! Full of heat cinnamon and a burst of fruit, these waffles are begging to be devoured smothered in maple syrup.

  • 1 ½ cups all function flour
  • ½ tablespoon baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons granulated or brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup mashed ripe banana (about 1 banana)
  • ¾ cup milk of alternative (dairy or non-dairy)
  • ¼ cup impartial oil (like natural vegetable oil, natural canola, or grapeseed)

  1. Preheat the waffle iron to the excessive warmth setting.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the all function flour, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon, and kosher salt till totally mixed.
  3. In one other bowl, whisk the eggs, mashed banana, milk, and impartial oil. Pour the moist substances into the dry substances and whisk vigorously till the batter is generally easy.
  4. Calmly brush oil onto the waffle maker. Instantly, add the batter into the middle of the waffle iron (a bit of over 1 cup for a Belgian waffle maker and a bit of over ½ cup for the standard waffle maker, or ½ cup in a Belgian waffle maker for ruffled edges), then cook dinner in line with the waffle iron’s directions. Take away the cooked waffles and place them on a baking sheet with out stacking. Make the waffles to order, or place cooked waffles in a 250°F oven to maintain heat. Serve topped with maple syrup. 
  5. Cooked waffles may be frozen; place them in a plastic bag and take away the remaining air with a straw earlier than sealing. To reheat, take away from the freezer and flippantly toast in a toaster.

  • Class: Breakfast
  • Technique: Waffles
  • Delicacies: Breakfast
  • Weight loss program: Vegetarian

Key phrases: Banana waffles, banana waffle recipe, banana waffles recipe

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