
20 Monday Motivation Quotes to Begin Your Week Proper

20 Monday Motivation Quotes to Start Your Week Right

Mondays may be overwhelming. These laid-back weekend vibes are behind you, and now you’re simply attempting to determine the way you’ll juggle every thing in your to-do listing.

However somewhat little bit of Monday motivation may also help set the tone to your complete week — as a result of each Monday is an opportunity to begin recent.

So we’ve rounded up constructive affirmations and quotes that’ll add somewhat pep to your Monday step.

1. “Even the very best weeks begin with Monday.” —Good Peter

Nice Peter | Monday Motivation Quotes

2. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” —Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu | Monday Motivation Quotes

3. “When life provides you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.” —Ella Woodward

Ella Woodward | Monday Motivation Quotes

4. “The solar himself is weak when he first rises; and gathers energy and braveness because the day will get on.” —Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens | Monday Motivation Quotes

5. “I do know it’s Monday, nevertheless it’s additionally a brand new day, a brand new week — and in that lies a brand new alternative for one thing particular to occur.” —Michael Ealy

Michael Ealy | Monday Motivation Quotes

6. “Don’t let what you can not do intervene with what you are able to do.” —John R. Wood

John Wooden | Monday Motivation Quotes

7. “The start is all the time at this time.” —Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley | Monday Motivation Quotes

8. “Amateurs sit and look ahead to inspiration. The remainder of us simply rise up and go to work.” —Stephen King

Stephen King | Monday Motivation Quotes

9. “Failure won’t ever overtake me if my dedication to succeed is powerful sufficient.” —Og Mandino

OG Mandino | Monday Motivation Quotes

10. “Monday is for individuals with a mission.” —Cristina Imre

Cristina Imre | Monday Motivation Quotes

11. “Your Monday morning ideas set the tone to your complete week. See your self getting stronger and residing a satisfying, happier, and more healthy life.” —Germany Kent

Germany Kent | Monday Motivation Quotes

12. “I’ve simply sooner or later, at this time, and I’m going to be joyful in it.” —Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx | Monday Motivation Quotes

13. “Motion is the foundational key to all success.” —Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso | Monday Motivation Quotes

14. “Do the onerous jobs first. The straightforward jobs will maintain themselves.” —Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie Monday Motivation Quotes

15. “Begin the place you’re. Use what you’ve gotten. Do what you possibly can.” —Arthur Ashe

Arthur Ashe | Monday Motivation Quotes

16. “The key of getting forward is getting began.” —Unknown

Unknown Speaker | Monday Motivation Quotes

17. “The simplest strategy to do it, is to do it.” —Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart | Monday Motivation Quotes

18. “You actually have to like your self to get something performed on this world.” —Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball | Monday Motivation Quotes

19. “You might have a recent begin any second you select.” —Mary Pickford

Mary Pickford | Monday Motivation Quotes

20. “Monday is a mind-set.” —Unknown

State of Mind | Monday Motivation Quotes

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